Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Learning to observe: using video to improve preservice mathematics teachers’ ability to notice2007/12/07English398
Elementary Teachers’ Mathematics Subject Knowledge: the Knowledge Quartet and the Case of Naomi2005/06/01English206
Improving mathematics instruction through lesson study: a theoretical model and North American case2009/04/18English204
The influence of video clubs on teachers’ thinking and practice2009/11/15English204
The role of lesson analysis in pre-service teacher education: an empirical investigation of teacher learning from a virtual video-based field experience2007/05/24English203
The relationship among elementary teachers’ content knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and practices2008/01/15English162
Alignment, cohesion, and change: Examining mathematics teachers’ belief structures and their influence on instructional practices2009/08/28English133
Theory and Practice in Mathematics Teaching Development: Critical Inquiry as a Mode of Learning in Teaching2006/04/01English126
Using video analysis to support prospective K-8 teachers’ noticing of students’ multiple mathematical knowledge bases2013/12/01English104
Scaffolding practices that enhance mathematics learning2006/06/03English103
Prospective elementary school teachers’ professional noticing of children’s early numeracy2013/05/24English101
Viewing Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs as Sensible Systems*2006/06/09English98
Toward a framework for the development of mathematical knowledge for teaching2008/10/14English98
Early childhood teacher education: the case of geometry2011/02/23English94
‘Me and maths’: towards a definition of attitude grounded on students’ narratives2009/11/27English93
Exploring teacher noticing of student algebraic thinking in a video club2014/10/07English87
What makes a problem mathematically interesting? Inviting prospective teachers to pose better problems2008/06/05English87
Productive struggle in middle school mathematics classrooms2014/08/14English80
Mathematics teachers’ learning: a conceptual framework and synthesis of research2013/08/03English79
Measuring the mathematical quality of instruction2010/03/04English78
Using a video-based curriculum to develop a reflective stance in prospective mathematics teachers2008/04/18English70
Promoting equity in mathematics teacher preparation: a framework for advancing teacher learning of children’s multiple mathematics knowledge bases2011/12/21English67
Real-world connections in secondary mathematics teaching2008/01/01English67
Understanding and describing mathematical knowledge for teaching: knowledge about proof for engaging students in the activity of proving2008/03/12English65
A longitudinal study of effects of a developmental teacher preparation program on elementary prospective teachers’ mathematics beliefs2008/11/27English62
The impact of task-based professional development on teachers’ practices and beliefs: a design research study2007/10/16English62
Learning to teach mathematics and to analyze teaching effectiveness: evidence from a video- and practice-based approach2013/12/13English60
Examining the use of a structured analysis framework to support prospective teacher noticing2014/12/10English56
Conceptions of effective mathematics teaching within a cultural context: perspectives of teachers from China and the United States2009/11/18English56
Developing a communal identity as beginning teachers of mathematics: Emergence of an online community of practice2007/12/07English54