Pedagogies: An International Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Talked Images: Examining the Contextualised Nature of Image Use2007/07/26English9
Changing Subjectivities, New Learning2006/01/01English9
Reflections on Reading Cope and Kalantzis' “‘Multiliteracies’: New Literacies, New Learning”2009/08/06English8
Comments on Cope and Kalantzis2009/08/06English8
Beyond Generic Knowledge in Pedagogy and Disciplinarity: The Case of Science Textbooks2007/05/10English8
A Case Study of Teaching for Literacy Acceleration Within a Critical Literacy Framework: Reconstructing Pedagogical Approaches2007/11/22English7
Design experimentation as a theoretical and empirical tool for developmental pedagogical research2009/12/18English7
Mathematics Teachers’ Understandings of Proto-Hypothesis Testing2009/04/01English7
Global/Cultural Teachers Creating Possibilities: Reading Worlds, Reading Selves, and Learning to Teach2006/01/01English7
Rewriting Identities: Using Historicized Writing to Promote Migrant Students' Writing2009/02/03English7
Pedagogies of Globalisation2006/04/01English6
Discourses of Deficit in Higher Degree Research Supervisory Pedagogies for International Students2008/03/25English6
Creating Productive Learning Communities in the Mathematics Classroom: An International Literature Review2008/06/13English6
Transformed Practice in a Pedagogy of Multiliteracies2008/03/25English6
A Pedagogy of the Future2006/01/01English6
Toward a Future of Equitable Pedagogy and Schooling2006/07/01English5
Technology and Literacy: Introduction to the Special Issue2008/01/09English5
The Impact of being “Migrant”: Demographies of Inequality and Outcomes of Possibility2009/02/03English5
Organizing Learning for Transformation in College Outreach Programmes2009/02/03English4
Editorial Introduction: Logics of Inquiry for the Analysis of Video Artefacts: Researching the Construction of Disciplinary Knowledge in Classrooms2007/07/26English3
Ethics and teacher practices in linguistic minority classrooms2010/04/01English3
Hybridity, Globalisation, and Literacy Education in the Context of New York City's Chinatown2006/12/01English3
Multimodal reading comprehension: curriculum expectations and large-scale literacy testing practices2014/01/02English3
Teaching Preservice Teachers to Read the Discourse of School Reform2006/01/01English3
Bridging Polarities: How Liping Ma'sKnowing and Teaching Elementary MathematicsEntered the U.S. Mathematics and Mathematics Education Discourses2008/10/07English3
Theorizing Passionate Love in Reading: A Social–Psychoanalytic Theory2009/09/23English3
Developing pedagogical judgment in novice teachers: mediated field experience as a pedagogy for teacher education2015/03/23English2
Getting into teams in physical education and exclusion processes among students2014/04/03English2
Learning to Teach in Diverse and Dynamic Classrooms2006/04/01English2
Adapting evidence-based pedagogy to local cultural contexts: a design research study of policy borrowing in Vietnam2015/02/23English2