Journal of Educational Administration and History

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Representing 30 years of higher education change: UK universities and theTimes Higher2013/02/01English19
Islamic school leadership: a conceptual framework2018/01/17English19
The changing role of the secondary principal in the United States: An historical perspective2005/04/01English18
The emotional labour and toll of managerial academia on higher education leaders2020/02/10English18
Principals of audit: testing, data and ‘implicated advocacy’2015/05/14English18
Novice principals’ perceptions of their mentoring process in early career stage: the key role of mentor-protégé relations2017/12/28English18
Headteacher critique and resistance: a challenge for policy, and for leadership/management scholars2008/08/01English18
The continuing politics of mistrust: performance management and the erosion of professional work2008/08/01English18
The evolution of school leadership policy and practice in Singapore: responses to changing socio‐economic and political contexts (insurgents,implementers,innovators)2008/12/01English18
The Concept of British Education Policy in the Colonies 1850–19602007/06/06English18
Preparing for principalship from the crucible of experience: reflecting on theory, practice and research2010/01/22English17
The management of education and the social theory of the firm: from distributed leadership to collaborative community2010/11/01English17
New Public Management and the modernisation of education systems 12013/07/05English17
School autonomy, marketisation and social justice: the plight of principals and schools2020/09/09English17
Social justice leadership and inclusion: a genealogy2016/07/30English16
The contemporary challenge of activism as curriculum work2021/02/28English16
Work, Identity and the Quasi‐market: The FE Experience2007/03/19English16
‘No change there then!’ (?): the onward march of school markets and competition2011/11/01English16
A social epistemology for educational administration and leadership2017/04/19English15
Fear and loathing in neoliberalism: school leader responses to policy layers2015/02/27English15
Good intentions are not enough: a critical examination of diversity and educational leadership scholarship2008/08/01English15
School Improvement in a neo‐liberal world2008/08/01English15
Policy reform: testing times for teacher education in Australia2016/07/25English15
Critical perspectives in educational leadership: a new ‘theory turn’?2017/10/31English15
Culture and Leadership in Educational Administration: A Historical Study of What Was and What Might Have Been2006/08/01English14
Educational leadership and social activism: a call for action2009/11/01English14
Bourdieu'smisrecognition: why educational leadership standards will not reform schools or leadership2012/05/01English14
Democracy and governance in the local school system2012/02/01English13
Dancing with global trends: higher education policy and university governance in Hong Kong, 1997–20122016/11/17English13
Westernisation and the Thai higher education system: past and present2016/05/10English13