Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Stroboscopic interferometer system for dynamic MEMS characterization2000/12/0188
Vertical mirrors fabricated by deep reactive ion etching for fiber-optic switching applications1997/01/0188
Electrostatic combdrive-actuated micromirrors for laser-beam scanning and positioning1998/03/0187
Interferometry of actuated microcantilevers to determine material properties and test structure nonidealities in MEMS2001/01/0186
Electrochemically driven polypyrrole bilayers for moving and positioning bulk micromachined silicon plates1999/01/0186
Electrophysics of micromechanical comb actuators1995/03/0184
A micromachined flow shear-stress sensor based on thermal transfer principles1999/03/0184
Optimal shape design of an electrostatic comb drive in microelectromechanical systems1998/03/0183
Fabrication and characterization of surface micromachined capacitive ultrasonic immersion transducers1999/03/0182
High aspect-ratio combined poly and single-crystal silicon (HARPSS) MEMS technology2000/09/0182
Dynamic admittance matrix of piezoelectric cantilever bimorphs1994/01/0181
Scratch drive actuator with mechanical links for self-assembly of three-dimensional MEMS1997/03/0181
Design and fabrication of a cross flow micro heat exchanger2000/12/0181
Characterization of contact electromechanics through capacitance-voltage measurements and simulations1999/06/0179
Microscale materials testing using MEMS actuators2001/03/0179
Fracture testing of bulk silicon microcantilever beams subjected to a side load1996/01/0178
Linearization of electrostatically actuated surface micromachined 2-D optical scanner2001/06/0178
An electrochemical microactuator: principle and first results1996/03/0178
Controlled stepwise motion in polysilicon microstructures1993/01/0177
Metallic microstructures fabricated using photosensitive polyimide electroplating molds1993/06/0177
On hillocks generated during anisotropic etching of Si in TMAH1996/06/0176
Fully integrated magnetically actuated micromachined relays1998/06/0176
Phase change in microchannel heat sinks with integrated temperature sensors1999/01/0176
A high-precision, wide-bandwidth micromachined tunneling accelerometer2001/01/0176
Design and batch fabrication of probes for sub-100 nm scanning thermal microscopy2001/01/0176
The surface/bulk micromachining (SBM) process: a new method for fabricating released MEMS in single crystal silicon1999/01/0175
The design, fabrication, and testing of corrugated silicon nitride diaphragms1994/03/0175
Low-noise MEMS vibration sensor for geophysical applications1999/01/0175
Deflection and maximum load of microfiltration membrane sieves made with silicon micromachining1997/03/0174
The microfabrication of capacitive ultrasonic transducers1998/01/0174