Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Dichlorodimethylsilane as an anti-stiction monolayer for MEMS: a comparison to the octadecyltrichlorosilane self-assembled monolayer2001/03/01118
Silicon-processed overhanging microgripper1992/03/01118
Process-dependent thin-film thermal conductivities for thermal CMOS MEMS2000/03/01114
Low-stiffness silicon cantilevers with integrated heaters and piezoresistive sensors for high-density AFM thermomechanical data storage1998/03/01114
Batch mode micro-electro-discharge machining2002/04/01112
Localized silicon fusion and eutectic bonding for MEMS fabrication and packaging2000/03/01111
High-order medium frequency micromechanical electronic filters1999/01/01109
Viscous damping model for laterally oscillating microstructures1994/06/01109
Feasibility of micro power supplies for MEMS1997/01/01109
Micromachining of buried micro channels in silicon2000/03/01107
Fabrication and operation of polyimide bimorph actuators for a ciliary motion system1993/01/01103
An improved anodic bonding process using pulsed voltage technique2000/12/01103
Bent-beam strain sensors1996/03/01102
A high-performance planar piezoresistive accelerometer2000/03/01102
Bent-beam electrothermal actuators-Part II: Linear and rotary microengines2001/06/01100
A computer-aided design system for microelectromechanical systems (MEMCAD)1992/03/0199
Electrostatic micromechanical actuator with extended range of travel2000/09/0198
Forced convection boiling in a microchannel heat sink2001/03/0197
The flow structure inside a microfabricated inkjet printhead2000/03/0197
Measurement of the thermal conductivity anisotropy in polyimide films1999/06/0194
Thermal characterization of surface-micromachined silicon nitride membranes for thermal infrared detectors1997/03/0194
Microfabricated electrohydrodynamic (EHD) pumps for liquids of higher conductivity1992/09/0193
Magnetic microactuation of polysilicon flexure structures1995/01/0193
Design, fabrication, and operation of submicron gap comb-drive microactuators1992/03/0193
Magnetic microactuators based on polymer magnets1999/03/0192
Development of the micromilling process for high-aspect-ratio microstructures1996/03/0192
Compact damping models for laterally moving microstructures with gas-rarefaction effects2001/06/0191
An electrohydrodynamic polarization micropump for electronic cooling2001/03/0190
Silicon-micromachined gas chromatography system used to separate and detect ammonia and nitrogen dioxide. I. Design, fabrication, and integration of the gas chromatography system1994/01/0189
A fully integrated micromachined magnetic particle separator1996/01/0189