Acta Mathematica Scientia

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Optimal Deductible and Coverage in Insurance Contracts and Equilibrium Risk Sharing Policies2023/04/29English
Homoclinic Solutions Near the Origin for a Class of First Order Hamiltonian Systems2023/04/29English
Double Inertial Proximal Gradient Algorithms for Convex Optimization Problems and Applications2023/04/29English
Randers Spaces with Scalar Flag Curvature2023/04/29English
The Existence and Local Uniqueness of Multi-Peak Solutions to a Class of Kirchhoff Type Equations2023/04/29English
The Singular Limit of Second-Grade Fluid Equations in a 2D Exterior Domain2023/04/29English
A Remark on Large Time Asymtotics for Solutions of a Nonhomogeneous Viscous Burgers Equation2023/04/29English
The Low Mach Number Limit for Isentropic Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with a Revised Maxwell’s Law2023/04/29English
Global Regularity of 2D Incompressible Magneto-Micropolar Fluid Equations with Partial Viscosity2023/04/29English
From wave functions to tau-functions for the Volterra lattice hierarchy2023/12/09English
Sharp Morrey regularity theory for a fourth order geometrical equation2023/12/09English
Three kinds of dentabilities in Banach spaces and their applications2023/12/09English
On the Sobolev Dolbeault cohomology of a domain with pseudoconcave boundaries2023/12/09English
The smoothing effect in sharp Gevrey space for the spatially homogeneous non-cutoff Boltzmann equations with a hard potential2023/12/09English
Isometry and phase-isometry of non-Archimedean normed spaces2023/11/01English
Notes on the log-Brunn-Minkowski inequality2023/11/01English
Bifurcation control for a fractional-order delayed SEIR rumor spreading model with incommensurate orders2023/11/01English
Zero dissipation limit to a rarefaction wave with a vacuum for a compressible, heat conducting reacting mixture2023/11/01English
Theoretical results on the existence, regularity and asymptotic stability of enhanced pullback attractors: applications to 3D primitive equations2023/11/01English
Characteizations of woven g-frames and weaving g-frames in Hilbert spaces and C*-modules2023/11/01English
The existence of ground state normalized solutions for Chern-Simons-Schrödinger systems2023/11/01English
A class of inverse quotient curvature flow in the AdS-Schwarzschild manifold2023/11/01English
Conformally flat affine hypersurfaces with semi-parallel cubic form2023/11/01English
On a super polyharmonic property of a higher-order fractional Laplacian2023/11/01English
The regularity criteria of weak solutions to 3D axisymmetric incompressible Boussinesq equations2023/11/01English
A Derivative-Hilbert operator acting on Hardy spaces2023/11/01English
Weak-strong uniqueness for three dimensional incompressible active liquid crystals2024/03/22English
Global bound on the gradient of solutions to p-Laplace type equations with mixed data2024/03/21English
Product type operators acting between weighted Bergman spaces and Bloch type spaces2024/03/21English
The gradient estimate of subelliptic harmonic maps with a potential2024/03/21English