Three kinds of dentabilities in Banach spaces and their applications

Article Properties
Title Journal Journal Categories Citations Publication Date
Characterization of approximative compactness in Banach spaces SCIENTIA SINICA Mathematica 1 2015
Strong proximinality of closed convex sets Journal of Approximation Theory
  • Science: Mathematics
12 2011
Nearly dentability and approximative compactness and continuity of metric projector in Banach spaces SCIENTIA SINICA Mathematica 5 2011
Proximinality in Banach spaces Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
  • Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering: Applied mathematics. Quantitative methods
  • Science: Mathematics
21 2008
10.5209/rev_REMA.2001.v14.n1.17047 Revista Matemática Complutense
  • Technology: Technology (General): Industrial engineering. Management engineering: Applied mathematics. Quantitative methods
  • Science: Mathematics
Refrences Analysis
The category Science: Mathematics 7 is the most frequently represented among the references in this article. It primarily includes studies from Journal of Approximation Theory and Russian Mathematical Surveys. The chart below illustrates the number of referenced publications per year.
Refrences used by this article by year