Acta Mathematica Scientia

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Existence and blow-up behavior of constrained minimizers for Schrödinger-Poisson-Slater system2018/03/01English
A note in approximative compactness and midpoint locally k -uniform rotundity in Banach spaces2018/03/01English
The global attractor for a viscous weakly dissipative generalized two-component μ-Hunter-Saxton system2018/03/01English
Continuous finite element methods for Reissner-Mindlin plate problem2018/03/01English
Qualitative analysis of a stochastic ratio-dependent Holling-Tanner system2018/03/01English
A new adaptive trust region algorithm for optimization problems2018/03/01English
Numerical simulations for a variable order fractional cable equation2018/03/01English
Equi-attraction and backward compactness of pullback attractors for point-dissipative Ginzburg-Landau equations2018/03/01English
Convergence of hybrid viscosity and steepest-descent methods for pseudocontractive mappings and nonlinear Hammerstein equations2018/03/01English
Multiplicity of positive solutions for a class of concave-convex elliptic equations with critical growth2018/03/01English
Two dimensional Mellin transform in Quantum Calculus2018/03/01English
Liouville theorem for Choquard equation with finite Morse indices2018/03/01English
Global existence of weak solutions to the non-isothermal nematic liquid crystals in 2D2016/07/01English
Global well-posedness in energy space of small amplitude solutions for klein-gordon-zakharov equation in three space dimension2016/07/01English
Large time asymptotic behavior of the compressible navier-stokes equations in partial space-periodic domains2016/07/01English
A blow-up criterion of spherically symmetric strong solutions to 3d compressible navier-stokes equations with free boundary2016/07/01English
Global stability of wave patterns for compressible navier-stokes system with free boundary2016/07/01English
The vlasov-poisson-boltzmann system near maxwellians for long-range interactions2016/07/01English
On the Rigorous Mathematical Derivation for the Viscous Primitive Equations with Density Stratification2023/04/29English
Global Well-Posedness and Optimal Time Decay Rates for the Generalized Phan-Thien-Tanner Model in ℝ32023/04/29English
Real Paley-Wiener Theorems for the Space-Time Fourier Transform2023/04/29English
Stability Conditions and the Mirror Symmetry of K3 Surfaces in Attractor Backgrounds2023/04/29English
Local Structure-Preserving Algorithms for the Klein-Gordon-Zakharov Equation2023/04/29English
Sufficient and Necessary Conditions on the Existence and Estimates of Boundary Blow-Up Solutions for Singular p-Laplacian Equations2023/04/29English
Anticipated Backward Stochastic Volterra Integral Equations with Jumps and Applications to Dynamic Risk Measures2023/04/29English
Constant Distance Boundaries of the t-Quasicircle and the Koch Snowflake Curve2023/04/29English
Harnack Type Inequalities for SDEs Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion with Markovian Switching2023/04/29English
Global Solutions to the 2D Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Some Large Initial Data2023/04/29English
Properties of Solutions to a Harmonic-Mapping Type Equation with a Dirichlet Boundary Condition2023/04/29English