Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Mechanical characterization of bulk Sylgard 184 for microfluidics and microengineering2014/02/281,041
A micro electromagnetic generator for vibration energy harvesting2007/06/05903
Bernoulli–Euler beam model based on a modified couple stress theory2006/09/15874
Role of material microstructure in plate stiffness with relevance to microcantilever sensors2005/04/08690
Ferroelectric thin films for micro-sensors and actuators: a review2000/05/23686
Microfluidics-a review1993/12/01634
SU-8: a low-cost negative resist for MEMS1997/09/01624
The mechanical properties of the rubber elastic polymer polydimethylsiloxane for sensor applications1997/09/01588
A review of focused ion beam applications in microsystem technology2001/07/01445
The black silicon method: a universal method for determining the parameter setting of a fluorine-based reactive ion etcher in deep silicon trench etching with profile control1995/06/01381
Determining the optimal PDMS–PDMS bonding technique for microfluidic devices2008/04/25368
Stiction in surface micromachining1996/12/01348
Characterization of the mechanical behavior of an electrically actuated microbeam2002/09/04331
Comb-drive actuators for large displacements1996/09/01331
Hyperelastic pressure sensing with a liquid-embedded elastomer2010/11/29321
Mechanical properties of silicones for MEMS2008/04/29304
Silicon electro-optic micro-modulator fabricated in standard CMOS technology as components for all silicon monolithic integrated optoelectronic systems *2021/04/09302
Vibration energy harvesting with aluminum nitride-based piezoelectric devices2009/08/26298
A survey on the reactive ion etching of silicon in microtechnology1996/03/01285
Microflow devices and systems1994/12/01280
RF MEMS from a device perspective2000/10/10261
Pull-in voltage analysis of electrostatically actuated beam structures with fixed$ndash$fixed and fixed$ndash$free end conditions2002/06/14260
Mixing in microfluidic devices and enhancement methods2015/08/22257
Bioprinting of a mechanically enhanced three-dimensional dual cell-laden construct for osteochondral tissue engineering using a multi-head tissue/organ building system2012/07/05252
Influence of processing conditions on the thermal and mechanical properties of SU8 negative photoresist coatings2002/12/02247
Electromagnetic energy harvesting from vibrations of multiple frequencies2009/01/30239
PDMS-based micro PCR chip with Parylene coating2003/06/20236
A review of MEMS oscillators for frequency reference and timing applications2011/12/20232
Mixing characteristics of T-type microfluidic mixers2001/02/15232
The design, fabrication and evaluation of a MEMS PZT cantilever with an integrated Si proof mass for vibration energy harvesting2008/04/04230