Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Motivational strategies in EFL classrooms: how do teachers impact students' motivation?2012/11/15English27
Mindsets as sources of L2 speaking anxiety and self-confidence: the case of international teaching assistants in the U.S.2021/04/01English27
Extensive listening 2.0 with foreign language podcasts2013/11/01English26
Exploring the potential of Google Doc in facilitating innovative teaching and learning practices in an EFL writing course2019/01/28English25
Incidental vocabulary acquisition from reading-only and reading-while-listening: a multi-dimensional approach2016/07/15English25
The ecology of CLIL teachers in Austria – an ecological perspective on CLIL teachers’ wellbeing2020/03/12English25
Exposure to multiple accents of English in the English Language Teaching classroom: from second language learners' perspectives2014/07/29English24
What Do You Researchers Know about Language Teaching? Bridging the Gap Between SLA Research and Language Pedagogy2008/11/01English24
Translanguaging in the development of EFL learners’ foreign language skills in Turkish context2021/03/05English24
Project-based language learning: an activity theory analysis2013/05/20English24
The relationship between stated beliefs and classroom practices of oral corrective feedback2014/08/14English23
Exploring the integration of automated feedback among lower-proficiency EFL learners2018/05/08English23
The relationship between emotional intelligence and EFL learners’ achievement in reading comprehension2012/03/01English23
To praise or not to praise? Examining the effects of ability vs. effort praise on speaking anxiety and willingness to communicate in EFL classrooms2021/06/17English22
Teaching second language reading comprehension: the effects of classroom materials and reading strategy use2017/09/06English22
The motivational effects of crosslinguistic awareness: developing third language pedagogies to address the negative impact of the L2 on the L3 self-concept2012/10/24English22
Expanded perspectives on autonomous learners2015/01/02English22
Exploring self-regulation in language learning: a study of Japanese high school EFL students2013/03/01English22
An investigation of strategies for student motivation in the Chinese EFL context2013/03/27English22
Forming a clearer image of the ideal L2 self: the L2 Motivational Self System and learner autonomy in a Japanese EFL context2013/11/01English22
Why do growth mindsets make you feel better about learning and your selves? The mediating role of adaptability2021/08/04English21
Gamifying the flipped classroom: how to motivate Chinese ESL learners?2019/05/09English21
A pedagogical framework for digital multimodal composing in the English Language classroom2020/07/30English21
Effects of self-regulated vocabulary learning process on self-efficacy2013/11/01English20
Elicitation of language learners' personal goals as design concepts2010/11/01English19
Teacher education in CALL: teaching teachers to educate themselves2009/03/01English19
Language learning affordances of Instagram and TikTok2022/03/15English18
Pedagogy of autonomy for difficult circumstances: from practice to principles2011/07/01English18
Singing and arts activities in support of foreign language learning: an exploratory study2016/11/21English18
Development in the practical knowledge of language teachers: a comparative study of three teachers designing and using communicative tasks on an in-service BA TESOL programme in the Middle East2011/11/01English18