English Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Promoting Academic Literacy with Urban Youth through Engaging Hip-Hop Culture2002/07/01144
Education Tomorrow1945/01/01116
More than Words: Comics as a Means of Teaching Multiple Literacies2007/01/01English44
Using Graphic Novels, Anime, and the Internet in an Urban High School2004/01/0141
Expanding Literacies through Graphic Novels2006/07/01English38
Bi-Dialectalism: The Linguistics of White Supremacy1969/12/0136
How Comic Books Can Change the Way Our Students See Literature: One Teacher's Perspective2001/11/0134
Automated Scoring Technologies and the Rising Influence of Error2004/03/0127
Metaphor as Renewal: Re-Imagining Our Professional Selves2002/07/0126
Why I Won't Be Using Rubrics to Respond to Students' Writing2007/03/01English26
A Synopsis of Clause-to-Sentence Length Factors1965/04/0125
Enter Here: Personal Narrative and Digital Storytelling2004/01/0125
The Impact of the MCAS: Teachers Talk about High-Stakes Testing2001/09/0123
"Students' Right to Their Own Language": A Retrospective1995/01/0122
Beyond the Yellow Highlighter: Teaching Annotation Skills to Improve Reading Comprehension2004/05/0121
The Influence of Training and Experience on Holistic Essay Evaluations1985/09/0120
Coming to Terms: Scaffolding1997/11/0119
Writing for Something: Essays, Raps, and Writing Preferences2004/09/0119
Journals across the Disciplines1980/12/0118
Minimizing Writing Apprehension in the Learner-Centered Classroom1997/10/0118
Stability and Change in the High-School Canon1992/09/0117
Is This for a Grade? A Personal Look at Journals1997/01/0117
Finding Space and Time for the Visual in K-12 Literacy Instruction2007/09/01English17
"Multiple Intelligences" as a Catalyst1995/12/0116
Revision Workshops: An Alternative to Peer Editing Groups1987/03/0116
Slam: Hip-Hop Meets Poetry--A Strategy for Violence Intervention2000/05/0116
Teaching Grammar in the Context of Writing1996/11/0116
The Problem of Defining a Mature Style1968/04/0116
Expository Writing Patterns of African American Students1996/01/0116
Some Systematic Grammatical Deletions and Their Effects on Reading Comprehension1965/04/0116