
Title Publication Date Language Citations
The effectiveness of aphasia‐friendly principles for printed health education materials for people with aphasia following stroke2003/01/01English114
Psycholinguistic assessments of language processing in aphasia (PALPA): An introduction1996/02/01English110
Aphasia as identity theft: Theory and practice2005/05/01English110
Amsterdam—Nijmegen everyday language test:construction, reliability and validity1994/07/01English110
Quantifying aphasic people's social lives in the context of non‐aphasic peers2006/12/01English108
Dissociations between fluency and agrammatism in primary progressive aphasia2012/01/01English106
Patterns of language decline in non-fluent primary progressive aphasia1997/04/01English103
Identifying the communication activities of older people with aphasia: Evidence from naturalistic observation2003/01/01English99
Verb and noun deficits in stroke-induced and primary progressive aphasia: The Northwestern Naming Battery2012/05/01English99
Can tDCS enhance treatment of aphasia after stroke?2012/09/01English98
Phonological therapy for word-finding difficulties: A re-evaluation2002/10/01English97
Analysis of spontaneous, conversational speech in dementia of Alzheimer type: Evaluation of an objective technique for analysing lexical performance2000/01/01English96
Treating agrammatic aphasia within a linguistic framework: Treatment of Underlying Forms2005/11/01English96
Numerical and arithmetical deficits in learning-disabled children: Relation to dyscalculia and dyslexia2001/07/01English95
Apraxia of speech in degenerative neurologic disease2006/06/01English95
A closer look at the 'hint and guess' sequences in aphasic conversation1999/04/01English94
Interviewing people with aphasia: Insights into method adjustments from a pilot study2007/02/01English93
A meta-analysis of word-finding treatments for aphasia2009/10/15English93
The relationship between specific features of aphasia-friendly written material and comprehension of written material for people with aphasia: An exploratory study2005/08/01English92
Conversational coaching: Treatment outcomes and future directions2002/07/01English92
Understanding the nature of apraxia of speech: Theory, analysis, and treatment2000/10/01English91
The neural substrates of writing: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study2003/01/01English90
Review Attention and aphasia: theory, research and clinical implications1999/02/01English90
Word retrieval therapies in primary progressive aphasia2014/03/26English90
Optimising the design of intervention studies: critiques and ways forward2014/12/24English89
Lexical diversity for adults with and without aphasia across discourse elicitation tasks2011/10/24English89
Brain regions underlying repetition and auditory-verbal short-term memory deficits in aphasia: Evidence from voxel-based lesion symptom mapping2012/03/01English88
Social networks after the onset of aphasia: The impact of aphasia group attendance2010/06/07English87
Treating naming impairments in aphasia: Findings from a phonological components analysis treatment2008/09/01English87