
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Supported conversation for adults with aphasia: methods and resources for training conversation partners1998/09/01English351
Therapy for naming disorders: Revisiting, revising, and reviewing2002/10/01English294
What people with aphasia want: Their goals according to the ICF2010/11/29English258
AphasiaBank: Methods for studying discourse2011/09/22English208
Living with severe aphasia: Tracking social exclusion2007/01/01English202
Counting what counts: A framework for capturing realā€life outcomes of aphasia intervention2008/03/01English194
Finding a focus for quality of life with aphasia: Social and emotional health, and psychological well-being2003/01/01English188
A description of the consequences of aphasia on aphasic persons and their relatives and friends, based on the WHO model of chronic diseases1995/05/01English187
Anatomy of the insula functional and clinical correlates1999/01/01English186
Patterns of dissociation in comprehension and production of nouns and verbs1988/05/01English176
Aphasia therapy on a neuroscience basis2008/06/01English164
A model for conducting clinical-outcome research: An adaptation of the standard protocol for use in aphasiology1998/09/01English156
Agrammatic and non-brain-damaged subjects' verb and verb argument structure production1997/04/01English150
Semantic feature analysis as a treatment for aphasic dysnomia: A replication2000/02/01English142
A multi-level approach to the analysis of narrative language in aphasia2011/08/01English140
Verb retrieval in action naming and spontaneous speech in agrammatic and anomic aphasia1998/11/01English137
Effect of Verb Network Strengthening Treatment (VNeST) on lexical retrieval of content words in sentences in persons with aphasia2009/03/01English133
Measuring perception of communicative ability: the development and evaluation of the La Trobe communication questionnaire2000/03/01English132
The neural bases of prosody: Insights from lesion studies and neuroimaging1999/08/01English132
Aphasic discourse analysis: The story so far2000/09/01English130
Communicative access and decision making for people with aphasia: Implementing sustainable healthcare systems change2007/01/01English128
Verb and sentence production and comprehension in aphasia: Northwestern Assessment of Verbs and Sentences (NAVS)2012/10/01English128
Review: Single-subject clinical-outcome research: designs, data, effect sizes, and analyses1999/06/01English123
Mapping therapy: A treatment programme for agrammatism1994/01/01English122
Visual analogue mood scales to measure internal mood state in neurologically impaired patients: Description and initial validity evidence1997/01/01English120
Communication partners: Enhancing participation in life and communication for adults with aphasia in natural settings1997/07/01English119
English performance of proficient bilingual adults on the Boston Naming Test2002/04/01English118
Social support in people with chronic aphasia2006/01/01English117
Executive function ability in persons with aphasia2002/04/01English116
Defining aphasia: Some theoretical and clinical implications of operating from a formal definition2001/10/01English114