
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Benefits of free language choice in bilingual individuals with aphasia2024/03/21English
A preliminary examination of regressive eye movements to content and function words when people with aphasia and neurotypical adults read narratives2024/03/20English
Revealing linguistic and verbal short-term and working memory abilities in people with severe aphasia2024/03/20English
Awareness of aphasia in Israel among Jewish and Arab societies2024/03/27English
Core Lexicon analysis of spoken discourse production by Mandarin Chinese speakers with Aphasia2024/03/16English
Gesture profiles distinguish primary progressive aphasia variants: a preliminary study2024/03/12English
Cerebellar tDCS enhances functional communication skills in chronic Aphasia2024/03/14English
Long-term Functional Connectivity Alterations in the Mismatch Negativity, P300 and N400 Language Potentials in Adults with a Childhood Acquired Brain Injury2024/03/25English
What does it mean to be aphasia aware? An international survey of stakeholder perspectives and experiences of aphasia awareness2024/03/26English
Baseline Conceptual-Semantic Impairment Predicts Longitudinal Treatment Effects for Anomia in Primary Progressive Aphasia and Alzheimer’s Disease2023/03/01English
The syllable as a fundamental sub-lexical unit in phonological paraphasias: evidence from Spanish-speaking aphasic patients2023/03/31English
People with aphasia living alone: A scoping review2023/06/20English
Semantic relatedness and the cocktail party problem in aphasia: A hybrid remote/in-lab study2023/06/20English
Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) treatment in L1 and L2 in bilingual aphasia: Effects of cognitive and language factors2023/06/20English
Māori aspirations following stroke: A pathway forward for the speech-language therapy field2023/02/03English
“Play on Words”: An analysis of a participatory play-making process with speakers with aphasia2022/12/28English
Development of main concept and core lexicon checklists for the original and modern Cookie Theft stimuli2024/04/17English
Phonological components analysis (PCA) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia (svPPA): A single-case longitudinal study2024/04/17English
Assessing informativeness in Spanish-speaking individuals with primary progressive aphasia2024/04/21English
A scoping review of therapies targeting confidence in stroke survivors2024/04/21English
Editorial - Aphasiology 20002000/01/01English
Book Reviews2001/04/01English
Oral Reading Fluency and Comprehension in Persons with Alexia and Aphasia2024/02/20English
The left posterior sMMN: a marker of syntactic processing compensation in agrammatic aphasia2024/02/20English
Book Review2000/03/01English
Best Practice in Post-Stroke Aphasia Services According to People with Lived Experience. A Modified Nominal Group Technique Study2023/09/26English
Differences in Connected Speech Outcomes Across Elicitation Methods2023/08/12English
Preliminary evidence comparing three auditory attention network tests in people with aphasia and matched controls2023/08/10English
Comprehensive Aphasia Test (CAT): Comparability of the Croatian and Norwegian versions2023/08/28English
Communicative accessibility and prospective acceptability of a digital behavioural activation intervention for people with aphasia2023/08/10English