Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Intuitionistic fuzzy C-means clustering algorithms2010/08/01123
Seeker optimization algorithm: A novel stochastic search algorithm for global numerical optimization2010/04/0165
Health management based on fusion prognostics for avionics systems2011/06/0139
Infrared small target detection using sparse representation2011/12/0137
Improved ant colony optimization algorithm for the traveling salesman problems2010/04/0137
Active disturbance rejection control on first-order plant2011/02/0135
Induced and heavy aggregation operators with distance measures2010/06/0135
Generalization of the linguistic aggregation operator and its application in decision making2011/08/0130
Phase noise filtering and phase unwrapping method based on unscented Kalman filter2011/06/0128
Cooperative localization against GPS signal loss in multiple UAVs flight2011/02/0127
Interactive group decision making procedure based on uncertain multiplicative linguistic preference relations2010/06/0125
Ranking approach of cross-efficiency based on improved TOPSIS technique2011/08/0125
Adaptive functional link network control of near-space vehicles with dynamical uncertainties2010/10/0124
SINS/CNS/GPS integrated navigation algorithm based on UKF2010/02/0122
Markov repairable systems with stochastic regimes switching2011/10/0122
Robust data envelopment analysis based MCDM with the consideration of uncertain data2010/12/0122
Integrated guidance and control design for missile with terminal impact angle constraint based on sliding mode control2010/08/0121
Prediction model of interval grey number based on DGM (1, 1)2010/08/0121
Modeling for UAV resource scheduling under mission synchronization2010/10/0120
Fault tolerant control based on stochastic distribution via RBF neural networks2011/02/0118
Leader-following consensus protocols for formation control of multi-agent network2011/12/0118
Adaptive neural control for a class of uncertain stochastic nonlinear systems with dead-zone2011/06/0118
Orthogonal genetic algorithm for solving quadratic bilevel programming problems2010/10/0117
Output feedback based adaptive robust fault-tolerant control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems2011/02/0117
Combined model based on optimized multi-variable grey model and multiple linear regression2011/08/0116
Multilayer ANN indoor location system with area division in WLAN environment2010/10/0116
Condition-based maintenance policy for gamma deteriorating systems2010/02/0116
Parameter estimation for multirate multi-input systems using auxiliary model and multi-innovation2010/12/0115
Some properties of linguistic preference relation and its ranking in group decision making2010/04/0115
Unscented extended Kalman filter for target tracking2011/04/0115