Educational Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The “private” in the privatisation of schools: the case of Chile2018/10/25English30
Sport, physical education and educational worth2018/01/01English30
A UNESCO view of global citizenship education2006/02/01English30
Education and globalization: redefining the role of the educational professional12006/02/01English30
Chameleons in the Classroom: visible and invisible children in nursery and infant classrooms1988/01/01English30
Pupil consultation: the importance of social capital2006/05/01English30
Leadership development and school improvement2009/11/01English30
New Student Teachers and Computers: an investigation of experiences and feelings1990/01/01English30
Teacher education and the GERM: policy entrepreneurship, disruptive innovation and the rhetorics of reform2018/11/13English30
Social Capital and the role of trust in aspirations for higher education2013/02/28English30
Bookstart: A qualitative evaluation2003/02/01English30
Does addressing prejudice and discrimination through Holocaust education produce better citizens?2007/05/01English30
Establishing the legitimacy of a school’s claim to be “International”: the provision of an international curriculum as the institutional primary task2016/08/02English30
School choice and implications for equity: the new political geography of the Swedish upper secondary school market2018/04/23English29
Holocaust Education, Anti‐racism and Citizenship1997/11/01English29
The impact of cooperative learning on tertiary EFL learners’ motivation2013/11/15English29
The Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition government’s “free schools” in England2011/11/01English29
‘I'm not seen as one of the clever children’: consulting primary school pupils about the social conditions of learning2006/05/01English28
The Literature on Multicultural Education: review and analysis1985/06/01English28
Influence of gender, educational attainment and family environment on the educational aspirations of secondary school students2011/08/01English28
Let me entertain you: the ambivalent role of university lecturers as educators and performers2017/09/06English28
Compassion, caring and justice: teachers’ strategies to maintain moral integrity in the face of national hostility to the “non‐citizen”2009/08/01English28
Teachers' use of questioning and modelling comprehension skills in primary classrooms2007/08/01English28
Beyond the excused/unexcused absence binary: classifying absenteeism through a voluntary/involuntary absence framework2015/10/07English28
Reshaping teacher education through the professional continuum2013/10/29English28
Global citizenship education and war: the needs of teachers and learners2006/02/01English28
Stress and Job Satisfaction among Primary School Teachers in Malta1989/01/01English28
The sacred and the profane: subject sub‐culture, pedagogical practice and teachers' perceptions of the classroom uses of ICT2005/11/01English28
Service learning and criminal justice: an exploratory study of student perceptions2012/01/13English28