Educational Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
How might teachers enable learner self-confidence? A review study2013/03/05English28
Satisfaction with educational provision for children with SEN or disabilities: a national postal survey of the views of parents in Great Britain2009/02/01English27
Sources of stress, coping strategies, emotional experience: effects of the level of experience in primary school teachers in France2013/03/05English27
The participation of volunteer citizens in school governance2005/11/01English27
An Exploratory Comparative Study of Staff Stress in English and German Comprehensive Schools1980/02/01English27
Acting up or opting out? Truancy in Irish secondary schools2008/11/01English27
Schooling as Violence: An exploratory overview2002/02/01English27
Teacher Stress: directions for future research2001/02/0127
Education and sustainable development: a political analysis2006/08/01English26
Home–school knowledge exchange in context2006/11/01English26
Being Someone Else: Using dance in anti-oppressive teaching2003/06/01English26
Modernizing the roles of support staff in primary schools: changing focus, changing function2005/01/01English26
Parents in higher education: impacts of university learning on the self and the family2010/11/01English26
A review of mixed methods research on bullying and peer victimization in school2012/02/01English26
Peer tutoring in mathematics in primary education: a systematic review2018/06/07English26
A Legibility Index: can handwriting be measured?1983/01/01English26
Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Education: a mainstream issue?1997/06/01English26
Stages, Levels, Styles or Strategies: dilemmas in the description of thinking1979/06/01English26
The Place of Women in Teacher Education: discourses of power1994/01/01English26
Chinese American post‐secondary achievement and attainment: a cultural and structural analysis2007/02/01English26
A review of the empirical research on weight-based bullying and peer victimisation published between 2006 and 20162018/07/02English26
Learning Cultures in Further Education2007/11/01English26
Theory and Practice: two fundamental categories in the philosophy of teacher education1993/01/01English26
The Globalisation of Education: Finnish education on the doorstep of the new EU millennium2000/06/01English26
The effects of setting on classroom teaching and student learning in mainstream mathematics, English and science lessons: a critical review of the literature in England2013/05/13English25
Home‐based Education Effectiveness Research and Some of its Implications1995/11/01English25
Finding a voice, finding self2006/05/01English25
The experience of Black Caribbean pupils in school exclusion in England2019/04/24English25
Whose justice is this! Capitalism, class and education justice and inclusion in the Nordic countries: race, space and class history2017/03/08English25