Educational Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Sustainability of the Spanish university system during the pandemic caused by COVID-192021/10/07English42
An overview of cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) use in classroom research 2000 to 20092012/02/01English42
Highly cited articles in the Education and Educational Research category in the Social Science Citation Index: a bibliometric analysis2017/12/31English42
Extending the theory and practice of education for cosmopolitan citizenship2018/01/01English42
Global education reform: understanding the movement2018/12/03English41
Mentoring Beginning Teachers: a qualitative analysis of process and outcomes1995/11/01English41
Education policy, distributed leadership and socio‐cultural theory2009/05/01English41
Effect of Pencil Grip on Handwriting Speed and Legibility1986/11/01English41
Twelve years of upper-secondary education in Sweden: the beginnings of a neo-liberal policy hegemony?2011/08/01English40
What it takes to keep children in school: a research review2015/02/23English40
Technology-enhanced learning in coaching: a review of literature2018/04/23English40
Collaborative research methodology for investigating teaching and learning: the use of interactive whiteboard technology2005/11/01English40
A Study of the Influence of Handwriting upon Grades Using Examination Scripts1980/06/01English40
Male teachers talk about gender violence: “Zulu men demand respect”2009/02/01English39
Rationality and emotion in primary school leadership: an exploration of key themes2007/02/01English39
Millennium man: constructing identities of male teachers in early years contexts2007/05/01English38
Learning disruption or learning loss: using evidence from unplanned closures to inform returning to school after COVID-192021/09/17English38
Implications of emotion regulation on young children’s emotional wellbeing and educational achievement2016/02/23English38
‘This place could help you learn’: student participation in creating better school environments2006/05/01English38
Observing Sex Stereotypes and Interactions in the School Lab and Workshop1984/02/01English38
Affordance, opportunity and the pedagogical implications of ICT2005/11/01English38
‘Commitment’ and Motivation in Primary School Teachers1981/11/01English38
Impact of problem-based learning on academic achievement in high school: a systematic review2014/11/12English38
Self-regulated learning in MOOCs: lessons learned from a literature review2019/03/25English38
Positive youth development through an outdoor physical activity programme: evidence from a four-year evaluation2012/01/31English37
Supporting transgender students in schools: beyond an individualist approach to trans inclusion in the education system2020/10/19English37
Towards a new era of character education in theory and in practice2013/09/30English37
Children's ‘funds of knowledge’ and their real life activities: two minority ethnic children learning in out‐of‐school contexts in the UK2006/11/01English37
Mobile English Language Learning (MELL): a literature review2017/11/17English37