Games for Health Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Videogame-Related Illness and Injury: A Review of the Literature and Predictions for Pokémon GO!2017/02/01English27
Scoping Review of Pokémon Go: Comprehensive Assessment of Augmented Reality for Physical Activity Change2020/04/01English27
Improving Children's Mental Health with a Digital Social Skills Development Game: A Randomized Controlled Efficacy Trial of Adventures aboard the S.S. GRIN2017/02/01English27
Understanding Motivations and Player Experiences of Older Adults in Virtual Reality Training2018/12/01English26
Effects of Exercise Training Combined with Virtual Reality in Functionality and Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients on Hemodialysis2019/10/01English26
Narrative in Exergames: Thoughts on Procedure, Mechanism, and Others2015/02/01English26
Comparison of College Students' Blood Pressure, Perceived Exertion, and Psychosocial Outcomes During Virtual Reality, Exergaming, and Traditional Exercise: An Exploratory Study2020/08/01English26
A Feasibility Study on the Effectiveness of a Full-Body Videogame Intervention for Decreasing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms2016/08/01English26
Fun and Games and Boredom2012/08/01English26
A Bespoke Kinect Stepping Exergame for Improving Physical and Cognitive Function in Older People: A Pilot Study2016/12/01English26
Exergaming as a Supportive Tool for Home-Based Rehabilitation in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era2020/10/01English26
The Effectiveness of a Virtual Reality-Based Intervention on Cognitive Functions in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Single-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial2021/04/01English25
Smartkuber: A Serious Game for Cognitive Health Screening of Elderly Players2016/08/01English25
Playing a Videogame with a Sexualized Female Character Increases Adolescents' Rape Myth Acceptance and Tolerance Toward Sexual Harassment2015/04/01English25
The Effects of Combining Videogame Dancing and Pelvic Floor Training to Improve Dual-Task Gait and Cognition in Women with Mixed-Urinary Incontinence2014/06/01English24
Evaluation of Patient Motivation and Satisfaction During Technology-Assisted Rehabilitation: An Experiential Review2021/02/01English24
The Effectiveness of a Serious Game Versus Online Lectures for Improving Medical Students' Coronavirus Disease 2019 Knowledge2021/04/01English24
Effects of Active Videogame and Sports, Play, and Active Recreation for Kids Physical Education on Children's Health-Related Fitness and Enjoyment2017/10/01English24
Using an Avatar-Based Simulation to Train Families to Motivate Veterans with Post-Deployment Stress to Seek Help at the VA2012/02/01English24
Computer and Videogame Interventions for Older Adults' Cognitive and Everyday Functioning2019/04/01English24
The Effect of Additional Virtual Reality Training on Balance in Children with Cerebral Palsy after Lower Limb Surgery: A Feasibility Study2017/02/01English24
Social Behaviors and Active Videogame Play in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder2015/06/01English23
Clinical and Neurobiological Perspectives of Empowering Pediatric Cancer Patients Using Videogames2015/10/01English23
Comparing Outcomes of Kinect Videogame-Based Occupational/Physical Therapy Versus Usual Care2014/06/01English23
Pilot Study of an Active Screen Time Game Correlates with Improved Physical Fitness in Minority Elementary School Youth2012/02/01English23
Acceptability of an Online Health Videogame to Improve Diet and Physical Activity in Elementary School Students: “Fitter Critters”2012/08/01English23
Enjoyment: A Conceptual Exploration and Overview of Experimental Evidence in the Context of Games for Health2016/02/01English22
What Is the Key for Older People to Show Interest in Playing Digital Learning Games? Initial Qualitative Findings from the LEAGE Project on a Multicultural European Sample2012/04/01English22
Adolescents' Views on Active and Non-Active Videogames: A Focus Group Study2012/06/01English22
A Machine Learning-Based Analysis of Game Data for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Assessment2013/10/01English22