Physical Review D

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Gaussian regression and power spectral density estimation with missing data: The MICROSCOPE space mission as a case study2016/06/16English5
Linear Breit-Wheeler pair production by high-energy bremsstrahlung photons colliding with an intense x-ray laser pulse2021/01/12English5
Effective loop quantum geometry of Schwarzschild interior2017/03/24English5
Lorentzian quantum cosmology2017/05/16English5
Shadow and deflection angle of rotating black holes in perfect fluid dark matter with a cosmological constant2019/02/11English5
Phenomenological aspects of black holes beyond general relativity2018/12/11English5
Scalar-metric-affine theories: Can we get ghost-free theories from symmetry?2019/08/20English5
Entanglement production in the dynamical Casimir effect at parametric resonance2019/09/26English5
Parallelized inference for gravitational-wave astronomy2019/08/28English5
Modified teleparallel theories of gravity in symmetric spacetimes2019/10/01English5
High-sensitivity crossed-resonator laser apparatus for improved tests of Lorentz invariance and of space-time fluctuations2016/01/27English5
Mechanical loss in state-of-the-art amorphous optical coatings2016/01/27English5
ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC2018/02/05English5
Dark energy at early times, the Hubble parameter, and the string axiverse2016/11/28English5
New method for shadow calculations: Application to parametrized axisymmetric black holes2016/10/18English5
Machine-learning nonstationary noise out of gravitational-wave detectors2020/02/18English5
Black hole shadow of a rotating scale-dependent black hole2020/03/24English5
Lensing by Kerr black holes2020/02/14English5
SU(2) non-Abelian gauge field theory in one dimension on digital quantum computers2020/04/21English5
New class of ghost- and tachyon-free metric affine gravities2020/04/20English5
Black holes in the four-dimensional Einstein-Lovelock gravity2020/04/20English5
Probing beyond-Kerr spacetimes with inspiral-ringdown corrections to gravitational waves2020/04/23English5
Black hole mimicker hiding in the shadow: Optical properties of the γ metric2019/07/10English5
Highly spinning and aligned binary black hole merger in the Advanced LIGO first observing run2019/07/17English5
New classes of exact interior nonvacuum solutions to the GR field equations for spacetimes sourced by a rigidly rotating stationary cylindrical anisotropic fluid2021/09/15English5
Spacetime structure and vacuum entanglement2016/02/01English5
Science with the space-based interferometer eLISA: Supermassive black hole binaries2016/01/06English5
New parton distribution functions from a global analysis of quantum chromodynamics2016/02/16English5
Spin orientations of merging black holes formed from the evolution of stellar binaries2018/10/18English5
Enriching the symphony of gravitational waves from binary black holes by tuning higher harmonics2018/10/17English5