Physical Review D

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Stable Schwarzschild stars as black-hole mimickers2019/08/13English5
Reconstructing phenomenological distributions of compact binaries via gravitational wave observations2019/08/13English5
Ruppeiner geometry, phase transitions, and the microstructure of charged AdS black holes2019/12/13English5
Tests of general relativity with the binary black hole signals from the LIGO-Virgo catalog GWTC-12019/11/20English5
Time-dependent mass of cosmological perturbations in the hybrid and dressed metric approaches to loop quantum cosmology2018/02/20English5
Improving the absolute accuracy of the gravitational wave detectors by combining the photon pressure and gravity field calibrators2018/07/09English5
Extended source effect on microlensing light curves by an Ellis wormhole2018/04/27English5
New constraints and prospects for sub-GeV dark matter scattering off electrons in xenon2017/08/30English5
U(1) ′ mediated decays of heavy sterile neutrinos in MiniBooNE2019/04/10English5
Cosmic string loop collapse in full general relativity2019/05/13English5
High-energy behavior of strong-field QED in an intense plane wave2019/04/05English5
Quantum corrections to the Mukhanov-Sasaki equations2016/05/12English5
Binary black hole mergers from globular clusters: Masses, merger rates, and the impact of stellar evolution2016/04/15English5
Effective dynamics from coherent state path integral of full loop quantum gravity2020/02/05English5
Thermodynamic geometry for charged Gauss-Bonnet black holes in AdS spacetimes2020/02/05English5
Nonminimal dark sector physics and cosmological tensions2020/03/03English5
Observables, gravitational dressing, and obstructions to locality and subsystems2016/11/14English5
Probing light thermal dark matter with a Higgs portal mediator2016/10/26English5
Loop expansion and the bosonic representation of loop quantum gravity2016/10/26English5
Publisher’s Note: Supersymmetric Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models [Phys. Rev. D 95 , 026009 (2017)]2017/03/23English5
Science with the space-based interferometer LISA. V. Extreme mass-ratio inspirals2017/05/31English5
Noether symmetries and stability of ideal gas solutions in Galileon cosmology2017/03/21English5
Can late dark energy transitions raise the Hubble constant?2020/05/12English5
Muon g−2 and α(MZ2) : A new data-based analysis2018/06/25English5
Stationary cylindrical anisotropic fluid and new purely magnetic GR solutions2020/08/13English5
Nonlinear causality of general first-order relativistic viscous hydrodynamics2019/11/11English5
Erratum: Nonstrange quark stars from an NJL model with proper-time regularization [Phys. Rev. D 100 , 123003 (2019)]2019/12/30English5
Numerical study of the Lorentzian Engle-Pereira-Rovelli-Livine spin foam amplitude2019/11/07English5
Suppressing parametric instabilities in LIGO using low-noise acoustic mode dampers2019/12/06English5
Black hole surrounded by a dark matter halo in the M87 galactic center and its identification with shadow images2019/08/08English5