Physical Review D

Title Publication Date Language Citations
FASER’s physics reach for long-lived particles2019/05/15English6
Construction of regular black holes in general relativity2016/12/20English6
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering and weak lensing2022/01/13English6
Spin precession experiments for light axionic dark matter2018/03/05English6
Pre-inflationary universe in loop quantum cosmology2017/10/18English6
Investigation of the spinfoam path integral with quantum cuboid intertwiners2016/05/16English6
Observational constraints on new exact inflationary scalar-field solutions2016/10/19English6
Conserved charges of the extended Bondi-Metzner-Sachs algebra2017/02/02English6
Entropy and modular Hamiltonian for a free chiral scalar in two intervals2018/12/17English6
How loud are neutron star mergers?2016/07/11English6
Phenomenological investigation of a quantum gravity extension of inflation with the Starobinsky potential2016/03/14English6
Renormalization of symmetry restricted spin foam models with curvature in the asymptotic regime2018/11/30English6
Parameters of noncommutativity in Lie-algebraic noncommutative space2019/01/15English6
Inflationary α -attractor cosmology: A global dynamical systems perspective2017/04/20English6
Proof of the quantum null energy condition2016/01/12English6
Rapid Bayesian position reconstruction for gravitational-wave transients2016/01/14English6
Impact of infrasound atmospheric noise on gravity detectors used for astrophysical and geophysical applications2018/03/30English6
Neutron star mergers as a probe of modifications of general relativity with finite-range scalar forces2018/03/16English6
Microstructure and continuous phase transition of a Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black hole2019/09/20English6
Perspectives on the dynamics in a loop quantum gravity effective description of black hole interiors2020/01/03English6
Diamond detectors for direct detection of sub-GeV dark matter2019/06/10English6
Violation of the equivalence principle from light scalar dark matter2018/09/25English6
Matter imprints in waveform models for neutron star binaries: Tidal and self-spin effects2019/01/18English6
Shadows of rotating wormholes2018/07/25English5
Determining the population properties of spinning black holes2017/07/26English5
Can interacting dark energy solve the H0 tension?2017/08/07English5
Fundamental photon orbits: Black hole shadows and spacetime instabilities2017/07/24English5
Semiclassical picture for electron-positron photoproduction in strong laser fields2016/04/21English5
Quantum focusing conjecture2016/03/16English5
Degenerate higher order scalar-tensor theories beyond Horndeski and disformal transformations2016/06/02English5