Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Undergraduate student engagement at a Chinese university: a case study2015/02/24English18
School accountability and teacher stress: international evidence from the OECD TALIS study2021/04/12English18
Do student ratings provide reliable and valid information about teaching quality at the school level? Evaluating measures of science teaching in PISA 20152020/07/17English18
The first seven years at school2009/01/09English18
Supervision and evaluation: The Wyoming perspective2011/05/21English18
The quality of teaching staff: higher education institutions’ compliance with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance—the case of Portugal2015/01/22English18
The micropolitics of school district decentralization2009/07/18English17
Teacher evaluation in Illinois: school leaders’ perceptions and practices2016/11/15English17
A multidimensional adapted process model of teaching2021/10/22English16
Comparing effects of school inspections in Sweden and Austria2017/06/23English16
Understanding the relationship between Singapore preservice teachers’ ICT course experiences and technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) through ICT course evaluation2013/04/21English16
The impact of linguistic similarity on cross-cultural comparability of students’ perceptions of teaching quality2019/04/15English16
Analyzing the degree of technology use occurring in pre-service teacher education2011/01/29English16
Academic resilience: underlying norms and validity of definitions2021/01/19English15
Teacher evaluation—accountability and improving teaching practices2016/05/01English15
Top-down and bottom-up approaches to improve educational quality: their intended and unintended consequences2019/02/01English14
What is quality education? How can it be achieved? The perspectives of school middle leaders in Singapore2015/06/12English14
Navigating dilemmas in transforming assessment practices: experiences of mathematics teachers in Ontario, Canada2014/03/21English14
Time to the doctorate: Multilevel discrete-time hazard analysis2010/06/05English14
Understanding the influence of teachers’ cognitive and affective responses upon school inspection feedback acceptance2018/08/23English14
Getting assessment right at the classroom level: using formative assessment for decision making2015/08/15English14
A cross-cultural comparative study of teacher effectiveness: Analyses of award-winning teachers in the United States and China2013/06/08English14
Reconciling top-down policy intent with internal accountability: the role of Chinese school principals2019/11/01English13
Criteria-referenced formative assessment in the arts2017/04/07English13
Predicting the gap: perceptual congruence between American principals and their teachers’ ratings of leadership effectiveness2014/10/04English13
The influence of teachers’ expectations on principals’ implementation of a new teacher evaluation policy in Flemish secondary education2014/10/03English13
The voice of the pupils: an experimental comparison of decisions made by elected pupil councils, pupils in referenda, and teaching staff2009/09/25English13
Exploring the impact of cumulative testing on academic performance of undergraduate students in Spain2015/01/13English13
Investigating the “black box” of effective teaching: the relationship between teachers’ perception and student achievement in a large urban district2013/05/16English13
Is Canada really an education superpower? The impact of non-participation on results from PISA 20152020/07/25English13