Children's Geographies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Play, work or activism? Broadening the connections between political and children's geographies2010/10/27English54
‘I avoid pubs and the student union like the plague’: Students with Asperger Syndrome and their negotiation of university spaces2010/01/25English53
The challenges of ‘Children's Geographies’: a reaffirmation2008/10/23English53
From childhood studies to childism: reconstructing the scholarly and social imaginations2019/09/25English51
Multiple methods, complex dilemmas: negotiating socio-ethical spaces in participatory research with disadvantaged children2009/11/01English50
Middle-class childhood and parenting culture in high-rise Hong Kong: on scheduled lives, the school trap and a new urban idyll2014/06/23English50
‘True geography [ ] quickly forgotten, giving away to an adult-imagined universe’. Approaching the otherness of childhood2008/05/01English50
‘They never pass me the ball’: exposing ableism through the leisure experiences of disabled children, young people and their families2013/07/04English49
Place mapping with teenagers: locating their territories and documenting their experience of the public realm2008/08/01English49
Ethical and methodological issues in engaging young people living in poverty with participatory research methods2008/02/01English49
School lunches: children's services or children's spaces?2010/08/01English49
‘we don't really get to go out in the front yard’—children's home range and neighborhood violence2005/04/01English48
Freedom of the city: Contemporary issues and policy influences on children and young people's use of public open space in England2006/04/01English48
Agency does not mean freedom. Cape Verdean street children and the politics of children's agency2012/11/01English48
‘Extraordinary survivors’ or ‘ordinary lives’? Embracing ‘everyday agency’ in social interventions with child-headed households in Zambia2012/11/01English48
‘Sensing with’ photography and ‘thinking with’ photographs in research into teenage girls' hanging out2013/09/02English48
Movements in Time and Space: Using Multiple Methods in Research with Young People in Accra, Ghana2007/08/01English48
When intersectionality met childhood studies: the dilemmas of a travelling concept2016/11/07English47
Sameness or Difference? Exploring Girls' Use of Recreational Spaces2003/03/01English47
Children and playgrounds in Mediterranean cities2006/08/01English47
Involving young people as researchers: uncovering multiple power relations among youths2008/05/01English46
Voices from the Margins: Street Children's Subcultures in Indonesia2003/08/01English46
Young People's Narratives of Rural-Urban Difference2003/08/01English46
Highly qualified rural youth: why do young graduates return to their home region?2013/10/31English45
A ‘sense of failure’? Everydayness and research ethics2008/10/23English45
Editorial: Theorising other childhoods in a globalised World2006/08/01English45
Youth migration and spaces of education2014/01/02English45
Active by Design: Promoting Physical Activity through School Ground Greening2007/11/01English45
‘The terrible twos’: Gaining control in the nursery?2005/08/01English44
Are MethodologiesforChildren keepingthemin their Place?2007/08/01English44