Children's Geographies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Interviewing with Children in their Homes: Putting Ethical Principles into Practice and Developing Flexible Techniques2007/08/01English44
'Endlessly Revisited and Forever Gone': On Memory, Reverie and Emotional Imagination in Doing Children's Geographies. An 'Addendum' to "'To Go Back up the Side Hill": Memories, Imaginations and Reveries of Childhood' by Chris Philo2003/03/01English44
Children's rights and adults' wrongs2006/04/01English44
Ethics in child research: rights, reason and responsibilities2008/02/01English44
‘Youthful futures? Aspirations, education and employment in Asia’2017/11/29English43
Participation, consultation, confusion: professionals' understandings of children's participation in physical planning2013/08/15English43
Ethical issues, research and vulnerability: gaining the views of children and young people in residential care2008/02/01English43
Spaces of the street: Socio-spatial mobility and exclusion of youth in Recife2005/08/01English43
Rethinking context: Digital technologies and children's everyday lives2015/12/29English43
‘Playtime in the Borderlands’: Children's Representations of School, Gender and Bullying through Photographs and Interviews2006/12/01English42
Renegotiating the Primary School: Children's Emotional Geographies of Sport, Exercise and Active Play2007/11/01English42
Editorial introduction: Geographies of education and aspiration2011/02/01English41
Bridging the divide between studies on disaster risk reduction education and child-centred disaster risk reduction: a critical review2017/07/31English41
Educational imperatives and the compulsion for credentials: family migration and children's education in East Asia2014/11/04English41
Look and tell: using photo-elicitation methods with teenagers2014/02/25English41
Save (us from) the children: trauma, Palestinian childhood, and the production of governable subjects2014/06/04English40
‘I don't have to listen to you! You're just a dinner lady!’: power and resistance at lunchtimes in primary schools2010/08/01English40
Performing the global through the local—globalisation and individualisation in the spatial practices of young East Germans2005/08/01English40
Children's personal geographies and the English primary school geography curriculum2005/12/01English40
‘People don't do odd, do they?’ mothers making sense of the reactions of others towards their learning disabled children in public places2005/12/01English40
The politics of aspiration: neo-liberal education policy, ‘low’ parental aspirations, and primary school Extended Services in disadvantaged communities2011/02/01English40
Children and Covid 19 in the UK2021/05/05English39
The suitability of school playgrounds for physically disabled children2010/02/01English39
Advancing ethical research with children: critical reflections on ethical guidelines2014/01/02English38
Where dogs, ghosts and lions roam: learning from mobile ethnographies on the journey from school2010/05/01English38
The strength of weak ties: the social networks of young separated asylum seekers and refugees in London2011/11/01English38
Children's interdependent mobility: compositions, collaborations and compromises2014/02/20English37
‘If anything is to be done with the Indian, we must catch him very young’: colonial constructions of Aboriginal children and the geographies of Indian residential schooling in British Columbia, Canada2009/05/01English37
Young people's embodied social capital and performing disability2010/01/25English37
Youth, gangs and violence: Analysing the social and spatial mobility of young people in Guatemala City2005/08/01English37