Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Structure and flexibility: Investigating the relation between the structure of the mental lexicon, fluid intelligence, and creative achievement.2016/11/01English60
Does insight problem solving predict real-world creativity?2014/08/01English60
Predicting creativity: Interactive effects of openness to experience and emotion regulation ability.2015/11/01English60
Anger, disgust, and the negative aesthetic emotions: Expanding an appraisal model of aesthetic experience.2007/05/01English60
Physiological correlates of aesthetic perception of artworks in a museum.2012/02/01English58
A triangular theory of creativity.2018/02/01English57
Self-assessments of creativity: Not ideal, but better than you think.2019/05/01English56
Linking care felt to engagement in innovative behaviors in the workplace: The mediating role of psychological conditions.2011/02/01English56
The appeal of challenge in the perception of art: How ambiguity, solvability of ambiguity, and the opportunity for insight affect appreciation.2015/08/01English56
Putting the art in artificial: Aesthetic responses to computer-generated art.2018/05/01English55
A multilevel meta-analysis of the relationship between creativity and schizotypy.2013/08/01English55
Measuring the muses: Validating the Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (K-DOCS).2017/05/01English54
Disentangling creative mindsets from creative self-efficacy and creative identity: Do people hold fixed and growth theories of creativity?2016/11/01English53
Immersing in the stillness of an early morning: Testing the mood empathy hypothesis of poetry reception.2014/08/01English53
Do tests of divergent thinking have an experiential bias?2010/08/01English52
Personality traits, intelligence, humor styles, and humor production ability of professional stand-up comedians compared to college students.2012/02/01English52
What makes us like music? Determinants of music preference.2010/11/01English52
Fiction and social cognition: The effect of viewing award-winning television dramas on theory of mind.2015/11/01English51
Different stories: How levels of familiarity with literary and genre fiction relate to mentalizing.2017/11/01English51
Music education, academic achievement, and executive functions.2017/05/01English51
Measuring divergent thinking originality with human raters and text-mining models: A psychometric comparison of methods.2021/11/01English50
Order, complexity, and aesthetic appreciation.2020/05/01English50
Defining 21st century readiness for all students: What we know and how to get there.2015/05/01English50
A dimensional analysis of creativity and mental illness: Do anxiety and depression symptoms predict creative cognition, creative accomplishments, and creative self-concepts?2010/02/01English50
Improvisation facilitates divergent thinking and creativity: Realizing a benefit of primary school arts education.2015/05/01English49
The relations of gender and personality traits on different creativities: A dual-process theory account.2012/05/01English49
Testing conditions and creative performance: Meta-analyses of the impact of time limits and instructions.2020/02/01English49
A scattered CAT: A critical evaluation of the consensual assessment technique for creativity research.2019/05/01English49
The effect of regulatory focus on idea generation and idea evaluation.2011/02/01English48
Confronting sadness through art-making: Distraction is more beneficial than venting.2012/08/01English48