Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Time spent viewing art and reading labels.2017/02/01English48
Measuring creativity change and development.2019/05/01English47
What should people be told when they take a divergent thinking test? A meta-analytic review of explicit instructions for divergent thinking.2020/02/01English47
Measuring the basic affective tone of poems via phonological saliency and iconicity.2016/05/01English47
Mere listening effect on creativity and the mediating role of psychological safety.2018/11/01English47
Next steps in neuroaesthetics: Which processes and processing stages to study?2013/02/01English47
How divergent thinking tests mislead us: Are the Torrance Tests still relevant in the 21st century? The Division 10 debate.2011/11/01English46
Potentiating empathic growth: Generating imagery while reading fiction increases empathy and prosocial behavior.2013/08/01English46
Do people recognize the four Cs? Examining layperson conceptions of creativity.2013/08/01English46
Who cares about imagination, creativity, and innovation, and why? A review.2016/08/01English46
Context matters: Investigating the impact of contextual information on aesthetic appreciation of paintings by Max Ernst and Pablo Picasso.2013/08/01English45
Effects of “literariness” on emotions and on empathy and reflection after reading.2016/02/01English45
Semantic distance: An automated measure of creativity that is novel and appropriate.2018/05/01English44
The Vienna Art Interest and Art Knowledge Questionnaire (VAIAK): A unified and validated measure of art interest and art knowledge.2020/05/01English44
The role of creative thinking in resilience after hurricane Katrina.2009/05/01English44
Enhancing creativity: A comparison between effects of an indicative instruction “to be creative” and a more elaborate heuristic instruction on Chinese student creativity.2009/05/01English44
Integrative systematic review of drama therapy intervention research.2020/02/01English44
Beyond the lab: An examination of key factors influencing interaction with ‘real’ and museum-based art.2017/08/01English44
The Aesthetic Pleasure in Design Scale: The development of a scale to measure aesthetic pleasure for designed artifacts.2017/02/01English43
Pupillary responses in art appreciation: Effects of aesthetic emotions.2009/08/01English43
Beyond the Golden Section and normative aesthetics: Why do individuals differ so much in their aesthetic preferences for rectangles?2010/05/01English43
Creativity assessment in neuroscience research.2019/05/01English43
Not too much, not too little: The influence of constraints on creative problem solving.2014/05/01English43
Art schema effects on affective experience: The case of disgusting images.2014/05/01English43
Problem finding and creativity: A meta-analytic review.2020/02/01English42
Divergent thinking ability is related to faster relatedness judgments.2009/05/01English42
Dance as a subject for empirical aesthetics.2013/02/01English42
Creativity: Genius, madness, or a combination of both?2012/02/01English42
Visual selection contributes to artists' advantages in realistic drawing.2010/05/01English41
Rational versus intuitive problem solving: How thinking “off the beaten path” can stimulate creativity.2011/02/01English41