Nuclear Physics B

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Current algebra and Wess-Zumino model in two dimensions1984/12/01English1,295
Non-commutative geometry and string field theory1986/05/01English1,285
Proton lifetime and fermion masses in an SO(10) model1981/04/01English1,245
Strings on orbifolds1985/01/01English1,215
Heterotic string theory (I). The free heterotic string1985/01/01English1,212
Parton distributions with LHC data2013/02/01English1,211
Current algebra theorems for the U(1) “Goldstone boson”1979/09/01English1,206
Electric-magnetic duality in supersymmetric non-Abelian gauge theories1995/02/01English1,187
Supersymmetric relics from the big bang1984/06/01English1,181
Absence of neutrinos on a lattice1981/07/01English1,173
A two-dimensional model for mesons1974/06/01English1,158
Eleven-dimensional supergravity on a manifold with boundary1996/09/01English1,151
Topology of the gauge condition and new confinement phases in non-abelian gauge theories1981/10/01English1,138
The role of resonances in chiral perturbation theory1989/07/01English1,118
On the phase transition towards permanent quark confinement1978/06/01English1,117
Black holes and membranes in higher-dimensional theories with dilaton fields1988/03/01English1,107
Dimensional regularization and the renormalization group1973/09/01English1,092
Current algebra, baryons, and quark confinement1983/08/01English1,082
Conformal algebra and multipoint correlation functions in 2D statistical models1984/10/01English1,081
Strings on orbifolds (II)1986/09/01English1,066
Gluon recombination and shadowing at small values of x1986/05/01English1,064
Scalar one-loop integrals1979/01/01English1,052
Cosmic abundances of stable particles: Improved analysis1991/08/01English1,050
U(1) without instantons1979/11/01English1,037
One-loop n-point gauge theory amplitudes, unitarity and collinear limits1994/08/01English1,031
The minimal composite Higgs model2005/07/01English1,007
The SO(8) supergravity1979/11/01English1,004
Evidence for F-theory1996/06/01English998
Transverse momentum distribution in Drell-Yan pair and W and Z boson production1985/01/01English991
A new mechanism for baryogenesis1985/01/01English981