Nuclear Physics B

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A complete analysis of FCNC and CP constraints in general SUSY extensions of the standard model1996/10/01English973
Renormalization and effective lagrangians1984/01/01English973
On the quantum structure of a black hole1985/01/01English970
Higgs bosons in supersymmetric models (I)1986/07/01English969
String theory beyond the Planck scale1988/07/01English960
Massive and mass-less Yang-Mills and gravitational fields1970/09/01English958
The background field method beyond one loop1981/07/01English939
Higgs boson production at the LHC1995/10/01English926
Back-to-back jets in QCD1981/12/01English925
Bound states of strings and p-branes1996/02/01English924
Scaling of multiplicity distributions in high energy hadron collisions1972/01/01English923
Conformal invariance, supersymmetry and string theory1986/06/01English917
An investigation of the spin structure of the proton in deep inelastic scattering of polarised muons on polarised protons1989/12/01English916
A relation between tree amplitudes of closed and open strings1986/05/01English898
Fusion rules and modular transformations in 2D conformal field theory1988/01/01English877
Factorizable dual model of pions1971/08/01English871
Improved continuum limit lattice action for QCD with wilson fermions1985/09/01English866
The string dilation and a least coupling principle1994/07/01English861
The three-loop splitting functions in QCD: the non-singlet case2004/06/01English861
Conformal field theory and 2D quantum gravity1989/07/01English858
A parametrization of the properties of quark jets1978/04/01English855
Superconducting strings1985/02/01English850
How to get masses from extra dimensions1979/01/01English849
Probing the weak boson sector in e+e−→W+W−1987/01/01English843
A property of electric and magnetic flux in non-Abelian gauge theories1979/01/01English840
Two-particle states on a torus and their relation to the scattering matrix1991/05/01English828
The quartic effective action for the heterotic string1987/01/01English823
Stability of gravity with a cosmological constant1982/02/01English817
Aspects of the grand unification of strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions1978/03/01English817
Renormalizable Lagrangians for massive Yang-Mills fields1971/12/01English789