Nuclear Physics B

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Discrete torsion in non-geometric orbifolds and their open-string descendants2000/05/01English
Some higher moments of deep inelastic structure functions at next-to-next-to-leading order of perturbative QCD2001/06/01English
Two-loop Euler–Heisenberg QED pair-production rate2000/01/01English
Analytical study of non-universality of the soft terms in the MSSM2000/06/01English
The role of complex structures in w-symmetry2000/06/01English
Integrable marginal points in the N-cosine model2000/02/01English
Exponential corrections to low-temperature expansion of 2D non-abelian models2000/03/01English
Quantum irreversibility in arbitrary dimension2000/02/01English
One-loop effective potential of N=1 supersymmetric theory and decoupling effects2000/04/01English
Cumulative Author Index B621–B6302002/05/01English
Topological strings with scaling violation and Toda lattice hierarchy1995/05/02
Proton decay, neutrino oscillations and other consequences from supersymmetric SU(6) with pseudo-Goldstone Higgs2000/05/01English
Multiple Dp-branes in weak background fields2000/05/01English
Renormalization group flow of SU(3) lattice gauge theory. Numerical studies in a two coupling space2000/06/01English
Order α(1/α) corrections to heavy-quarkonium creation and annihilation2000/06/01English
Goldstone-mode effects and scaling function for the three-dimensional O(4) model2000/04/01English
Chirally stabilized critical state in marginally coupled spin and doped systems2000/06/01English
An effective Lagrangian approach for unstable particles2000/05/01English
Variations on stability2002/06/01English
Left–right symmetry and heavy particle quantum effects2000/05/01English
Status of the MSW solutions of the solar neutrino problem2000/05/01English
Shift symmetries and duality web in gauge theories2023/11/01English
Hamiltonian cycles on bicolored random planar maps2023/10/01English
From Hurwitz numbers to Feynman diagrams: Counting rooted trees in log gravity2023/10/01English
Pion parton distribution functions with the nonrelativistic constituent quark model2023/09/01English
How Clifford algebra helps understand second quantized quarks and leptons and corresponding vector and scalar boson fields, opening a new step beyond the standard model2023/09/01English
Intersections of twisted forms: New theories and double copies2023/09/01English
Analyzing cancellation mechanism of the dark matter-quark scattering in a complex singlet extension of the Standard Model2023/09/01English
Chiral perturbative analysis for an almost massless neutrino in the type-I seesaw mechanism2023/09/01English
One-loop gauge invariant amplitudes with a space-like gluon2023/10/01English