Behavioral Neuroscience

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effects of aging on environmental modulation of hippocampal evoked responses.1987/01/01English
Neonatal testosterone propionate treatment in the female gerbil: Morphological and behavioral effects.1987/01/01English
Differential effects of prefrontal lesions and combined prefrontal and limbic lesions on subsequent learning performance in the cat.1984/01/01English
Cardiac startle and orienting responses in the great apes.1984/01/01English
Food wrenching and dodging: A neuroethological test of cortical and dopaminergic contributions to sensorimotor behavior in the rat.1988/01/01English
Environmental influences on locomotor recovery following cortical lesions in rats.1985/01/01English
Stimulation of the spinal trigeminal nucleus supports classical conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response.1988/01/01English
Behavior of rat fetuses following chemical or tactile stimulation.1988/01/01English
CL 218-872 pretreatment and intervention block kainate-induced convulsions and neuropathology.1988/01/01English
Lesions of the dorsal spinal cord decrease the duration of contact defensive immobility (animal hypnosis) in the rabbit.1985/01/01English
Reflex facilitation of the nictitating membrane response remains after cerebellar lesions.1988/01/01English
State dependent learning and morphine tolerance.1988/01/01English
Tumor growth in rats: Conditioned suppression of food intake and preference.1985/01/01English
Effect of variation of the composition of CSF in the rat upon drinking of water and hypertonic NaCl solutions.1987/01/01English
Morphine influences on classical aversive conditioned heart rate in rats.1988/01/01English
Habituation of the acoustic startle response in rats after lesions in the mesencephalic reticular formation or in the inferior colliculus.1983/01/01English
Dissociation of visual and auditory pattern discrimination functions within the cat's temporal cortex.1998/01/01English
Adrenal responses to reinforcement and extinction: Role of expectancy versus instrumental responding.1983/01/01English
Ontogeny of morphine withdrawal in the rat.1995/01/01English
Pavlovian conditioning of immunosuppression modifies adjuvant arthritis in rats.1983/01/01English
Classical conditioning in the fetal rat: Reinforcing properties of dynorphin A (1-13).1996/01/01English
Processing of preconsciously acquired information measured by hemispheric asymmetry and selection accuracy.1986/01/01English
Rat brain sites responsive to etorphine: Analgesia and catatonia.1983/01/01English
Evidence for involvement of midbrain central gray in cholinergic mediation of female sexual receptivity in rats.1986/01/01English
Selective hippocampal lesions and behavior: Effects of kainic acid lesions on performance of place and cue tasks.1983/01/01English
The physiology of social conflict in rats: What is particularly stressful?1996/01/01English
Effects of basolateral amygdala lesions on taste aversions produced by lactose and lithium chloride in the rat.1986/01/01English
Pavlovian drug-sickness pairings result in the conditioning of an antisickness response.1983/01/01English
Effects of lesions to amygdala, ventral subiculum, medial prefrontal cortex, and nucleus accumbens on the reaction to novelty: Implications for limbic--striatal interactions.1996/01/01English
Dissociations between appetitive and consummatory responses by pharmacological manipulations of reward-relevant brain regions.1996/01/01English