Behavioral Neuroscience

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Rhinal cortex lesions and object recognition in rats.1994/01/01English
Neurological dissociation of gastrointestinal and metabolic contributions to meal size control.1994/01/01English
Effects of auditory and visual interference on auditory^visual delayed matching-to-sample in monkeys (Macaca fascicularis).1994/01/01English
Long-term study of chronic oral aluminum exposure and spatial working memory in rats.2002/01/01English
The effect of amiloride on operantly conditioned performance in an NaCl taste detection task and NaCl preference in C57BL/6J mice.2002/01/01English
Defensive behavior and hippocampal cell proliferation: Differential modulation by naltrexone during stress.2002/01/01English
Behavioral effects of kappa-opioid-receptor stimulation on neonatal rats.1994/01/01English
Abdominal vagotomy alters the structure of the ingestive behavior of rats ingesting liquid diets.1994/01/01English
Combined hippocampal and amygdala lesions block learning of a response-independent form of occasion-setting.2001/01/01English
Effects of a muscarinic antagonist on various components of female sexual behavior in the rat.1993/01/01English
Exploration, anxiety, and spatial memory in trasgenic anophthalmic mice.2001/01/01English
Startle amplitude and fear in an acoustic startle paradigm: Lesions to the brachium of the inferior colliculus or the lateral tegmental tract.2001/01/01English
Circadian modulation in the rat acoustic startle circuit.1995/01/01English
Latent inhibition in rats is abolished by NMDA-induced neuronal loss in the retrohippocampal region, but this lesion effect can be prevented by systemic haloperidol treatment.1995/01/01English
Cortical motor neuron activity in the cat during classical conditioning with central stimulation as the CS and the US.1983/01/01English
Intraventricular insulin and the level of maintained body weight in rats.1995/01/01English
Unilateral conditioning of an odor aversion in 6-day-old rat pups.1995/01/01English
NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 blocks learning of conditioned stimulus^unconditioned stimulus contiguity but not fear of conditioned stimulus in goldfish (Carassius auratus L.).1994/01/01English
Tegmental pedunculopontine lesions in rats decrease saccharin's rewarding effects but not its memory-improving effect.1994/01/01English
Dietary self-selection in chronically insulin-treated golden hamsters.1986/01/01English
Lithium chloride and avoidance of novel places.1983/01/01English
Mouse strain differences in apomorphine-induced behavior: An empirical and methodological study.1986/01/01English
Stimulus-elicited behavior in rapid eye movement sleep without atonia.1995/01/01English
Overt orienting in the rat: Parametric studies of cued detection of visual targets.1995/01/01English
Cynomolgus monkeys do not develop tolerance to opioids.1983/01/01English
Loudness scaling and masking in rats.1983/01/01English
Effects of endocrine state on sociosexual behavior of female rats tested in a complex environment.1986/01/01English
Detailed behavioral analysis of water maze acquisition under systemic NMDA or muscarinic antagonism: Nonspatial pretraining eliminates spatial learning deficits.1996/01/01English
Cortisol facilitates induction of sexual behavior in the female musk shrew (Suncus murinus).1999/01/01English
Supplemental Material for Electric Barrier-Induced Voluntary Abstinence Reduces Alcohol Seeking in Male, but Not Female, iP Rats2023/08/17English