Behavioral Neuroscience

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effect of gastric reduction surgery on consummatory behavior in the rat.1984/01/01English
Noradrenaline and sensory preconditioning in the rat.1986/01/01English
Comparative potency of tactile, auditory, and visual stimulus repetition in eliciting activated forebrain EEG in the rabbit.1984/01/01English
Implicating causal relations between cellular function and learning behavior.1986/01/01English
Recovery from habituation in Caenorhabditis elegans is dependent on interstimulus interval and not habituation kinetics.1996/01/01English
Effects of opiate manipulations on latent inhibition in rabbits: Sensitivity of the medial septal region to intracranial treatments.1987/01/01English
Plasma cortisol and appetitively motivated arousal in monkeys.1984/01/01English
A small amount of wheel running facilitates eating in nondeprived rats.1996/01/01English
Lesions of the lateral parabrachial nucleus block the aversive motivational effects of both morphine and morphine withdrawal but spare morphine's discrimination properties.1996/01/01English
The painlike effect of gallamine and naloxone differs from sickness induced by lithium chloride.1985/01/01English
Functional consequences of embryonic neocortex transplanted to rats with prefrontal cortex lesions.1987/01/01English
Interaction of hydration and subfornical organ lesions in sodium-depletion induced salt appetite.1997/01/01English
Delayed spontaneous alternation in intact and cerebellectomized control and lurcher mutant mice: Differential role of cerebellar cortex and deep cerebellar nuclei.1997/01/01English
Central inhibitory control of sodium appetite in rats: Correlation with pituitary oxytocin secretion.1987/01/01English
Effect of naloxone on conditioned suppression in rats.1987/01/01English
An analysis of blocking in odorant mixtures: An increase but not a decrease in intensity of reinforcement produces unblocking.1997/01/01English
Hippocampal activity during classical discrimination--Reversal eyeblink conditioning in rabbits.1997/01/01English
Olfactory bulbectomy enhances sensitization of the acoustic startle reflex produced by acute or repeated stress.1997/01/01English
Operant conditioning of hippocampal theta: Dissociating reward from performance deficits.1987/01/01English
Rats learn to like the taste of morphine.1985/01/01English
Cholinergic neurons, learning, and recovery of function.1987/01/01English
Prenatal stress and prepuberal social rearing conditions interact to determine sexual behavior in male rats.1985/01/01English
Maternal behavior in rats: Evidence for the involvement of preoptic projections to the ventral tegmental area.1984/01/01English
Effect of age and long-term stress experience on adaptation to stress analgesia in mature rats: Role of opioids.1985/01/01English
Characterizing amnesic patients for neurobehavioral study.1986/01/01English
Self-stimulation in 7- and 10-day-old rats.1984/01/01English
Taste agnosia following gustatory neocortex ablation: Dissociation from odor and generality across taste qualities.1984/01/01English
Neuroethological studies of reflex plasticity in intact Aplysia.1984/01/01English
Lesions of the middle cerebellar peduncle disrupt acquisition and retention of the rabbit's classically conditioned nictitating membrane response.1987/01/01English
Effects of naltrexone and signaling inescapable electric shock on nociception and gastric lesions in rats.1984/01/01English