The Social Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Pedagogical Tools for Teaching Supply and Demand Using Lessons from Transitional Economies2007/01/01English
Social Studies around the Blacksmith's Forge: Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning2007/05/01English
Teaching Social Studies to High School Students with Learning Problems2007/03/01English
GITMO! Reviews of Four Recent Books about Guantanamo Bay and the Conduct of the United States in Its War on Terrorism2007/03/01English
Using Picture Books to Arouse Interest in the Study of Geographic Areas2007/01/01English
Breaking Stereotypes: Constructing Geographic Literacy and Cultural Awareness through Technology2007/03/01English
Folktales as a Resource in Social Studies: Possibilities and Pitfalls Using Examples from Denmark2007/01/01English
Exploring Location in Introductory Human Geography: The Case of Kansas Towns and Cities2007/01/01English
Immigration in Childhood: Using Picture Books to Cope2007/03/01English
The Monroe Doctrine: Critical Thinking through the Use of a Commemorative Coin2007/05/01English
Civic Education in Multicultural Contexts: New Findings from a National Study2007/01/01English
Blending Narratives: A Storytelling Strategy for Social Studies2007/05/01English
History and Social Science Teachers' Perceptions of Their Profession: A Phenomenological Study2007/01/01English
Sailing to Jamestown, 1606-7: Five Classroom Activities2007/05/01English
Book and DVD Reviews on the Four Hundredth Anniversary of Jamestown: 1607-20072007/05/01English
"Just the Facts, Ma'am": Teaching Social Studies in the Era of Standards and High-Stakes Testing2007/03/01English
Using Multicultural National Council for the Social Studies Notable Books in the Elementary Classroom2007/03/01English
Using the Jehovah's Witness Cases to Stimulate Student Thinking2008/03/01English
Teaching about Civil Disobedience: Clarifying a Recurring Theme in the Secondary Social Studies2008/03/01English
Book and DVD Reviews on Leni Riefenstahl: The Wicked Witch of Twentieth-Century Germany?2008/03/01English
Tech Talk for Social Studies Teachers: Writing about Nazi Germany and Leni Riefenstahl: Using Technology to Access Information2008/03/01English
Teaching World Geography to Late-Arrival Immigrant Students: Highlighting Practice and Content2008/03/01English
Beyond the Textbook: Studying Roswell in the Social Studies Classroom2008/05/01English
Experiments in Democratic Education: Dewey's Lab School and Korczak's Children's Republic2008/05/01English
Designing Discussions: Four Ways to Open Up a Dialogue2008/05/01English
Genius or Dynamic Learner? Benjamin Franklin's Path to Greatness2008/05/01English
More Time for Powerful Social Studies: When University Social Studies Methods Faculty and Classroom Teachers Collaborate2008/05/01English
Using Historical Stories to Teach Tolerance: The Experiences of Turkish Eighth-Grade Students2008/05/01English
Writing for Publication in Social Studies Education2008/01/01English
No Child Left Behind Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg2008/01/01English