European Journal of Psychology of Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
“FearNot!”: a computer-based anti-bullying-programme designed to foster peer intervention2010/06/19English34
Adolescents’ cheating and delinquent behavior from a justice-psychological perspective: the role of teacher justice2014/04/26English34
Predicting child outcomes from preschool quality in Portugal2012/04/03English33
Children’s use of number line estimation strategies2015/03/22English33
2 × 2 Achievement goals and achievement emotions: a cluster analysis of students' motivation2011/07/07English33
Examining the role of social goals in school: A study in two collectivist cultures2013/02/19English33
Academic expectations and actual achievements: the roles of hope and effort2013/08/14English33
Nudging in education: from theory towards guidelines for successful implementation2020/08/24English32
The role of persistence at preschool age in academic skills at kindergarten2013/02/13English32
Testing a motivational model of achievement: How students’ mathematical beliefs and interests are related to their achievement2011/05/07English32
An investigation of boys’ and girls’ emotional experience of math, their math performance, and the relation between these variables2015/03/14English32
An integrated model of school students’ academic achievement and life satisfaction. Linking soft skills, extracurricular activities, self-regulated learning, motivation, and emotions2022/01/28English32
Teachers' situation-specific mastery experiences: teacher, student group and lesson effects2013/11/01English32
What drives teacher engagement: a study of different age cohorts2015/08/07English31
Teacher-parent relationships: influence of gender and education on organizational parents’ counterproductive behaviors2014/02/20English31
Analysis of the relation between academic procrastination, academic rational/irrational beliefs, time preferences to study for exams, and academic achievement: a structural model2012/07/11English31
Predictors of self-reported and peer-reported victimization and bullying behavior in early adolescents: the role of school, classroom, and individual factors2019/07/18English31
Pupil perceptions of national tests in science: perceived importance, invested effort, and test anxiety2012/05/11English30
Emotionally intelligent students are more engaged and successful: examining the role of emotional intelligence in higher education2020/01/21English30
Persons pursuing multiple objects of interest in multiple contexts2018/08/31English29
Attachment dimensions as predictors of mental health and psychosocial well-being in the transition to university2012/02/24English28
The trans-contextual model: perceived learning and performance motivational climates as analogues of perceived autonomy support2012/03/15English28
Ecological rationality in teachers' conceptions of assessment across samples from Cyprus and New Zealand2010/12/09English28
Symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and home learning environment (HLE): findings from a longitudinal study2013/12/24English28
Reciprocal peer tutoring in a physical education setting: influence of peer tutor training and gender on motor performance and self-efficacy outcomes2010/01/15English27
Enhancing students’ approaches to learning: the added value of gradually implementing case-based learning2012/03/13English27
The development of students’ use of additive and proportional methods along primary and secondary school2011/12/06English27
An examination of the self-referent executive processing model of test anxiety: control, emotional regulation, self-handicapping, and examination performance2018/05/02English27
The roles of teacher–student relationship quality and self-concept of ability in adolescents’ achievement emotions: temperament as a moderator2020/03/14English27
Teachers’ judgements of students’ foreign-language achievement2014/07/25English27