European Journal of Psychology of Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The role of self-efficacy for self-regulated learning, achievement goals, and engagement in academic cheating2019/11/05English26
Evaluating the reflexive practices in a learning experience2011/05/12English26
Declining trends in student performance in lower secondary education2015/12/18English26
The academic and psychological benefits of exercise in healthy children and adolescents2012/07/31English26
Cognitive skills used to solve mathematical word problems and numerical operations: a study of 6- to 7-year-old children2013/01/01English26
Team learning in teacher teams: team entitativity as a bridge between teams-in-theory and teams-in-practice2016/01/06English26
Primary school students’ perceived social support in relation to study engagement2020/08/18English25
Mothers’ reading-related activities at home and learning to read during kindergarten2010/02/25English25
Coordinating principles and examples through analogy and self-explanation2012/11/16English25
Peer attachment, coping, and self-esteem in institutionalized adolescents: the mediating role of social skills2012/02/03English25
Math anxiety—contributing school and individual level factors2014/07/15English25
Mental computation or standard algorithm? Children’s strategy choices on multi-digit subtractions2015/05/21English24
Conceptualizing students’ academic hardiness dimensions: a qualitative study2012/07/04English24
Teacher judgment, student motivation, and the mediating effect of attributions2012/03/08English24
First year effects of induction arrangements on beginning teachers’ psychological processes2012/12/18English24
The role of social-academic goals in Chinese students’ self-regulated learning2018/09/13English24
Relationships between teachers’ metacognitive knowledge and students’ metacognitive knowledge and reading achievement2016/02/23English24
Emotions in group work: insights from an appraisal-oriented perspective2015/12/09English24
Self-regulatory teaching in mathematics: relations to teachers' motivation, affect and professional commitment2013/09/05English23
Misconceptions die hard: prevalence and reduction of wrong beliefs in topics from educational psychology among preservice teachers2020/03/18English23
Cognitive processes and math performance: a study with children at third grade of basic education2012/03/27English23
Testing elementary and secondary school students’ ability to perform historical perspective taking: the constructing of valid and reliable measure instruments2014/05/17English23
Accuracy of teachers’ tracking decisions: short- and long-term effects of accountability2015/07/03English23
Construct validity of self-concept in TIMSS’s student background questionnaire: a test of separation and conflation of cognitive and affective dimensions of self-concept among Saudi eighth graders2012/10/26English23
Science knowledge and trust in medicine affect individuals’ behavior in pandemic crises2021/04/14English22
Student dropout at university: a phase-orientated view on quitting studies and changing majors2021/05/11English22
Mastery goals, positive emotions and learning behavior in self-directed vs. teacher-directed learning2019/05/22English22
ADHD expressive writing difficulties of ADHD children: when good declarative knowledge is not sufficient2010/02/27English22
Depersonalization or cynicism, efficacy or inefficacy: what are the dimensions of teacher burnout?2010/03/06English22
Personal belief in a just world, experience of teacher justice, and school distress in different class contexts2012/12/04English22