Journal of Education Policy

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The ‘datafication’ of early years pedagogy: ‘if the teaching is good, the data should be good and if there’s bad teaching, there is bad data’2014/06/20English86
Carrying the beacon of excellence: social class differentiation and anxiety at a time of transition2002/06/01English84
Recontextualising policy discourses: a Bernsteinian perspective on policy interpretation, translation, enactment2013/07/01English84
Education policy as numbers: data categories and two Australian cases of misrecognition2012/05/01English83
Re-thinking trust in a performative culture: the case of education2003/06/01English83
Childcare workforce reform in England and ‘the early years professional’: a critical discourse analysis2009/11/01English83
The unbearable lightness of skill: the changing meaning of skill in UK policy discourses andsome implications for education and training2000/05/01English83
Social class and parental agency2001/07/01English82
Inspection and the fabrication of professional and performative processes2009/09/01English82
Mobilizing lifelong learning: governmentality in educational practices2002/06/01English81
Systemic school reform1990/12/12English81
Segregation by choice? A study of group‐specific reasons for school choice2005/01/01English80
The mathematics skills of school children: how does England compare to the high-performing East Asian jurisdictions?2013/09/11English79
Decolonizing the evidence‐based education and policy movement: revealing the colonial vestiges in educational policy, research, and neoliberal reform2011/03/01English78
Wherefore art thou, inclusion? Analysing the development of inclusive education in New South Wales, Alberta and Finland2011/03/01English78
Performativity and primary teacher relations2002/10/01English78
Decentralized centralism: framework for a better understanding of governance in the field of education2000/08/01English78
Expert moves: international comparative testing and the rise of expertocracy2013/09/01English76
'Knowing their limits'? Identities, inequalities and inner city school leavers' post-16 aspirations2003/02/01English75
Translating policy: governmentality and the reflective teacher2017/04/10English75
Netflixing human capital development: personalized learning technology and the corporatization of K-12 education2016/01/14English74
Framing and selling global education policy: the promotion of public–private partnerships for education in low-income contexts2012/01/01English74
Heroes or zeroes? The discursive positioning of ‘underachieving boys’ in English neo‐liberal education policy2006/03/01English71
The many faces of lifelong learning: recent education policy trends in Europe2002/12/01English71
Policy Research and Policy Theory: a comment on Fitz and Halpin11990/10/01English71
Beyond performativity: reflections on activist professionalism and the labour process in further education2005/01/01English69
The colour of numbers: surveys, statistics and deficit‐thinking about race and class2010/03/01English69
The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu and researching education policy2008/11/01English69
International rankings and the contest for university hegemony2014/11/24English68
Micro-neoliberalism in China: public-private interactions at the confluence of mainstream and shadow education2016/08/10English68