Modern Language Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Dinner with Chichikov: The Fictional Meal as Narrative Device in Gogol's "Dead Souls"1988/01/012
Reading Lessons in Rousseau's "Emile ou de l'education"1990/01/012
The Coach Motif in Eighteenth-Century Fiction1978/01/012
The Virgin Mantle Displaced: Blake's Early Attempt1982/01/012
Take off Your Clothes: William Carlos Williams, Science, and the Diagnostic Encounter1987/01/012
Oliver Sacks: The Ecology of Writing Science1990/01/012
Letting the Body Speak: "Becoming" White in "Caucasia"2002/01/012
Middleton's "Women Beware Women" as Anticourt Drama1989/01/012
Leopoldo Alas, Krausism, and the Plight of the Humanities in Spain1981/01/012
Literature and the Jacobite Cause1979/01/012
"Image" and Absence in Marguerite Duras' "L'Amant"1991/01/012
"I'm the King of the Castle . . .": Franz Kafka and the Well-Tempered Reader1987/01/012
Uncanny Confession: Thomas Pynchon's Fausto Maijstral1999/01/012
Women Prison Authors in France: Twice Criminal1980/01/012
Carlos Fuentes y el Relato Fantastico1985/01/012
The Flights of a Good Man's Mind: Gothic Fantasy in Poe's "The Assignation"1986/01/012
Fictions, Facts, and the Fact(s) of(in) Fictions1998/01/012
Literal and Metaphoric Harmony with Nature: Ecofeminism and Harriet Prescott Spofford's "Circumstance"1993/01/012
Giovanni's Garden: Hawthorne's Hope for America1982/01/012
The Monstrosity of the Body in Walter Benjamin's "Moscow Diary"1995/01/012
Ishmael Reed's Syncretic Use of Language: Bathos as Popular Discourse1990/01/012
The Whiteness of Bone: Russell Banks' "Rule of the Bone" and the Contradictory Legacy of "Huckleberry Finn"2002/01/012
Biography and the Novel1979/01/012
The Cuckoo Clocks in Kesey's Nest1977/01/011
Narrative in Dalton Trevisan1984/01/011
Before the Storm: Jose Revueltas and Beginnings of the New Narrative in Mexico1977/01/011
What's White Got to Do with It?: Teaching Whiteness. Part I2002/01/011
Bipolar Conflict in Stein's "Melanctha"1985/01/011
"Playing Monsters": The Games of Memory and Language in Robert Coover's "Gerald's Party"1988/01/011
Guest Introduction: Identity? Politics2002/01/011