Modern Language Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
"Humboldt's Gift" and the Case of the Split Protagonist1981/01/011
Proust's Novel Confections: Francoise's Cooking and Marcel's Book1999/01/011
Bestial Metaphors: John Berkenhead and Satiric Royalist Propaganda of the 1640s and 50s1999/01/011
Invited Guests at Hawthorne's "Christmas Banquet": Sir Thomas Browne and Jeremy Taylor1980/01/011
Family Bonds and Bondage within the Family: A Study of Family Ties in Clarice Lispector and James Joyce1988/01/011
Mnouchkine, Vilar and Copeau: Popular Theater and Paradox1991/01/011
Meaning and Ideology in Robbe-Grillet's "Topologie d'une cite fantome"1984/01/011
Charlemagne's Unspeakable Sin2002/01/011
Pollution and Redemption in "Dracula"1987/01/011
The Means and Ends of Empire in Hernan Cortes's "Cartas de relacion"1997/01/011
"Bend Sinister": Joyce, Shakespeare, Nabokov1985/01/011
John Donne's "La Corona": Spatiality and Mannerist Painting1983/01/011
Blasoning "The Princesse Paragon": The Workings of George Puttenham's False Semblant" in His "Partheniades" to Queen Elizabeth1998/01/011
Opening up Theory1996/01/011
An Epic Incubus1976/01/011
Gracian y la imaginacion arquitectonica: Espacio y alegoria de la Edad Media al Barroco1989/01/011
The Lessons of Feigning in "A Mad World, My Masters"1977/01/011
The Practical Side of Manon Lescaut1985/01/011
The Muse in Donne and Jonson: A Post-Lacanian Study1991/01/011
History as Private Perspective: Fielding's "Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon"1980/01/011
Yehoshua's "Sound and Fury": "A Late Divorce" and Its Faulknerian Model1991/01/011
"Light from a Hill of Carbon Paper Dolls": Gloria Naylor's "Linden Hills" and Dante's "Inferno"1999/01/011
Natureza e Mulher: Uma Visao do Brasil no Romans Romantico1989/01/011
Robert Frost and the Politics of Labor1999/01/011
Pope, Handel, and the "Dunciad"1980/01/011
Decentering "Heart of Darkness"1978/01/011
The Discourse of Contradiction: Metaphor, Metonymy and "El reino de este mundo"1986/01/011
"Little Corks That Mark a Sunken Net": Virginia Woolf's "Sketch of the past" as a Fictional Memoir1986/01/011
Albert Laberge (1871-1960) et ses "Hymnes a la terre" (1955)1976/01/011
The Grotesque Mode in Contemporary Spanish Theater and Film1985/01/011