Central States Speech Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Potential inhibitory effects of group participation on brainstorming performance1977/06/01English26
On the McCroskey scales for the measurement ofethos1971/06/01English26
How shall we say: “Reality is socially constructed through communication?”1978/12/01English25
Speech communication training needs in the business community1978/09/01English25
Responses to wander1984/03/01English25
Development and application of an interview coding system1972/06/01English25
Defining social movements by their rhetorical form1980/12/01English24
The effects of equivocation on perceived source credibility1973/09/01English23
Are compliance‐gaining strategies dependent on situational variables?1982/09/01English23
Kenneth Burke's cluster‐agon method: Its development and an application1976/12/01English23
Studies on the use of fear appeals: A summary and analysis1963/05/01English22
The persuasive effects of delaying identification of high‐and low‐credibility communicators: A meta‐analytic review1987/06/01English22
Small group communication research of the 1970's: A synthesis and critique1980/09/01English22
Unwillingness to communicate as a predictor of small group discussion behaviors and evaluations1977/06/01English22
Justifying violence‐the rhetoric of militant black power1968/06/01English21
A functional approach to the rhetoric of social movements1980/12/01English20
Rhetorical strategy: A dramatistic interpretation and application1975/03/01English20
The relationship between the public and the technical spheres of argument: A case study of the challenger seven disaster1986/01/01English20
The myth of viewer‐listener disagreement in the first Kennedy‐Nixon debate1987/03/01English20
Cop talk, police stories, and the social construction of organizational drama1987/09/01English19
Performance in a social context: Date rape versus date right1988/09/01English19
Images of the enemy in intergroup conflict1975/06/01English19
Responses to wander1983/06/01English19
Definitional hegemony as a public relations strategy: The rhetoric of the nuclear power industry after three mile Island1988/06/01English19
Toward the development of cognitively experienced speech anxiety scales1976/09/01English19
The effects of evidence in persuasive communication1976/03/01English17
The role of nonverbal behaviors as distractors in resistance to persuasion in interpersonal contexts1981/06/01English17
Burkean comedy and tragedy, illustrated in reactions to the arrest of John Delorean1984/12/01English17
The factor structure of source credibility scales for immediate superiors in the organizational context1974/03/01English17
Perelman's universal audience: One perspective1976/09/01English17