Medical Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Medical students' personality characteristics and academic performance: a five-factor model perspective2002/10/28English213
A systematic review of validity evidence for checklists versus global rating scales in simulation-based assessment2015/01/27English213
The effect of testing on skills learning2009/01/01English212
Proto-professionalism: how professionalisation occurs across the continuum of medical education2005/01/01English212
Attitude change during medical school: a cohort study2004/05/01English211
Qualitative synthesis and systematic review in health professions education2013/02/08English210
Multiprofessional learning: the attitudes of medical, nursing and pharmacy students to shared learning2001/09/30English208
A review of evaluation outcomes of web-based continuing medical education2005/06/01English207
UK consensus statement on the content of communication curricula in undergraduate medical education2008/11/01English207
Physician communication skills training: a review of theoretical backgrounds, objectives and skills2002/10/28English206
Effect of practice on standardised learning outcomes in simulation-based medical education2006/08/01English205
It’s NOT rocket science: rethinking our metaphors for research in health professions education2010/01/01English204
Medical student attitudes toward the doctor-patient relationship2002/05/31English203
Emotional intelligence in medicine: a systematic review through the context of the ACGME competencies2010/07/15English202
Assessment, feedback and the alchemy of learning2018/08/02English199
Broadening conceptions of learning in medical education: the message from teamworking2006/02/01English198
A systematic review of the reliability of objective structured clinical examination scores2011/10/11English197
The integration ladder: a tool for curriculum planning and evaluation2000/07/01English197
Outcomes of longitudinal integrated clinical placements for students, clinicians and society2012/10/18English196
A randomised controlled trial of the effects of mindfulness practice on medical student stress levels2011/03/15English195
Comparison between medical students' experience, confidence and competence2002/05/31English193
A prospective analysis of stress and academic performance in the first two years of medical school1999/04/01English192
Generational changes and their impact in the classroom: teaching Generation Me2009/05/01English192
Setting standards on educational tests2003/05/01English191
Portfolios in medical education: why do they meet with mixed success? A systematic review2007/11/28English191
Simulation in undergraduate medical education: bridging the gap between theory and practice2004/01/01English189
Anxiety, depression and stressful life events among medical students: a prospective study in Antalya, Turkey2001/01/04English189
Non-technical skills training to enhance patient safety: a systematic review2012/10/18English187
The structure of reflective practice in medicine2004/12/01English186
Teaching clinically experienced physicians communication skills. A review of evaluation studies1999/09/01English185