ELT Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Beyond single words: the most frequent collocations in spoken English2007/09/25English65
The illogic of logical connectives1990/10/01English65
The politics of pronouns1994/04/01English64
What do we want teaching materials for?11981/01/01English64
Problems in the presentation of speech acts in ELT materials: the case of complaints1995/01/01English64
Raising the pragmatic awareness of language learners2005/07/01English64
Lexical collocations: a contrastive view1993/01/01English63
Translanguaging as a political stance: implications for English language education2021/12/27English62
Student use of the mother tongue in the task-based classroom2007/09/25English60
The spread of EIL: a testing time for testers2006/01/01English60
The affordances of digital multimodal composing for EFL learning2017/01/27English60
The representation of foreign cultures in English textbooks2011/03/03English59
A cultural perspective on group work1998/10/01English59
Language-learning tasks: teacher intention and learner interpretation1991/04/01English59
ELT: the native speaker's burden?1992/01/01English59
Skills and strategies: towards a new methodology for listening1998/04/01English59
How culturally appropriate is the communicative approach?1996/07/01English59
Preparing pre-service English teachers for reflective practice2007/04/13English59
Language awareness2003/01/01English58
Spoken grammar: what is it and how can we teach it?1995/07/01English58
Teaching English as an International Language: the Chilean context2003/04/01English57
Cascade training and teachers' professional development2000/04/01English57
Doing reflective practice: a data-led way forward:2015/05/01English56
Ten questions about language awareness2003/07/01English56
Developing criteria for textbook evaluation1983/07/01English56
The concept of 'World English' and its implications for ELT2004/04/01English56
'Teacher, the tape is too fast!' Extensive listening in ELT2010/03/31English55
Evaluating the outcomes of online intercultural exchange2007/04/01English55
English as a Lingua Franca: concepts, use, and implications2011/12/08English55
Language awareness: a missing link in language teacher education?1993/10/01English55