English Language Teaching

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Korean Students’ Perspectives on and Use of Strategies in English Critical Writing2012/06/01English2
The effects of university students’ self-directed learning ability and perceived online task value on learning satisfaction and academic achievement2017/09/01English2
The real conditions of English classes and teachers and students’ perception in the free learning semester2018/12/01English2
영어 학습 능력 증진을 위한 심리구조모형개발 및 적용연구2015/09/01English1
Mobile contents for teaching and learning English listening skills and vocabulary using TV Drama2007/03/01English1
NESTs’ Perceptions of Feedback on L2 Writing2013/12/01English1
The effects of learning contract on academic achievement, learning time and learners' reactions in the web-based English education2007/03/01English1
Effect of teaching English idioms through cognitive motivation in the EFL classroom.2007/12/01English1
Use of the Pronouns‘ I ’and‘ We ’by Korean EFL Students of Differential Writing Skill Levels2010/09/01English1
College EFL Learners’ and Instructors’ Perceptions of English and English Teaching and Learning: A Case Study2010/03/01English1
The Roles of Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge in Listening Comprehension2008/06/01English1
A study of university students’ satisfaction with ability grouping in TOEIC class2012/09/01English1
Analysis of Listening Tasks in Middle School English 1 Activity Books2012/06/01English1
교생실습이 초등영어 예비교사 교육에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구2012/06/01English1
The effects of reading strategy instruction and reading portfolios on English reading proficiency and the attitude of Korean high school students2011/10/01English1
A study of the noticing of a target feature depending on focus-on-form tasks and learners' prior knowledge.2013/06/01English1
영어로 진행하는 영어수업(TEE)을 실행하는 중등교사의 수업 동기와 방법2011/10/01English1
Validating Writing Scale for High School English with Common European Framework of Reference2012/06/01English1
Examining the semantic prosody of lexical items as used in Korean contexts2014/09/01English1
A qualitative analysis of Korean university students’ perceptions about the effects of studying abroad.2007/12/01English1
The effects of pre-listening activities on listening comprehension and the affective factors of Korean pre-university students.2013/09/01English1
How individual’s learning styles affect grammatical achievement in deductive and inductive grammar instruction2014/12/01English1
Exploring a response-based primary English class using folktales for upper graders2010/12/01English1
A study of Korean primary school students’ use of English and thier willingness to communicate in English2014/09/01English1
English Names and Adult EFL Learners: Integrative Motivation and Student Perceptions2017/09/01English1
Changes of Pre-service Teachers’ Beliefs on EFL Teaching and Learning2019/09/01English1
A study on research papers in English for specific: Occupational purposes2017/12/01English1
Investigation on the effect of direct and indirect feedback on improvement in Korean university students’ English composition using Rasch measurement model2012/12/01English1
Factor analysis of the variables affecting Korean high school EFL learners’ essay-writing performance.2013/12/01English1
A study on the effects of an after-school English program based on cultural understanding models for underachievers in elementary school English2012/12/01English1