Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Machine learning approach to ship fuel consumption: A case of container vessel2020/07/01English84
Analysis of telecommuting behavior and impacts on travel demand and the environment2018/07/01English84
Built environment and public bike usage for metro access: A comparison of neighborhoods in Beijing, Taipei, and Tokyo2018/08/01English84
Chemical reaction optimization for solving a static bike repositioning problem2016/08/01English84
Exploring car ownership and car use in neighborhoods near metro stations in Beijing: Does the neighborhood built environment matter?2017/10/01English84
Describing the users: Understanding adoption of and interest in shared, electrified, and automated transportation in the San Francisco Bay Area2019/06/01English83
A computationally efficient simulation model for estimating energy consumption of electric vehicles in the context of route planning applications2017/01/01English83
A novel model for the quantitative evaluation of green port development – A case study of major ports in China2018/06/01English83
Decouple transport CO2 emissions from China’s economic expansion: A temporal-spatial analysis2020/02/01English83
Travel and energy implications of ridesourcing service in Austin, Texas2019/05/01English82
Particulate matter in marine diesel engines exhausts: Emissions and control strategies2015/10/01English82
Comparative field evaluation of vehicle cruise speed and acceleration level impacts on hot stabilized emissions2005/01/01English82
The effects of activity-travel context and individual attitudes on car-sharing decisions under travel time uncertainty: A hybrid choice modeling approach2017/10/01English82
Contributions of shared autonomous vehicles to climate change mitigation2019/07/01English82
Effect of a speed reduction of containerships in response to higher energy costs in Sulphur Emission Control Areas2014/05/01English82
Environmentally appraising different pavement and construction scenarios: A comparative analysis for a typical local road2015/01/01English82
Objective correlates and determinants of bicycle commuting propensity in an urban environment2015/10/01English82
Environmental assessment of roads constructed with and without bottom ash from municipal solid waste incineration2006/09/01English82
Environmental effect of CI engine using microalgae methyl ester with doped nano additives2017/01/01English81
The market potential for plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles in Flanders: A choice-based conjoint analysis2012/12/01English81
Trajectory optimization for eco-driving taking into account traffic constraints2013/01/01English81
A travel behavior analysis of urban cycling facilities in Montréal, Canada2011/03/01English81
Heterogeneous consumer preferences for alternative fuel cars in China2011/12/01English81
Understanding adolescents’ intentions to commute by car or bicycle as adults2013/10/01English80
Anticipating plug-in hybrid vehicle energy impacts in California: Constructing consumer-informed recharge profiles2010/06/01English80
Development of a representative urban driving cycle construction methodology for electric vehicles: A case study in Xi’an2020/04/01English80
Signal timing of intersections using integrated optimization of traffic quality, emissions and fuel consumption: a note2004/09/01English80
Urban real-world driving traffic emissions during interruption and congestion2016/03/01English80
Data-driven decomposition analysis and estimation of link-level electric vehicle energy consumption under real-world traffic conditions2018/10/01English80
Charge timing choice behavior of battery electric vehicle users2015/06/01English79