Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Advances in consumer electric vehicle adoption research: A review and research agenda2015/01/01English680
Correlation or causality between the built environment and travel behavior? Evidence from Northern California2005/11/01English663
The impact of climate change and weather on transport: An overview of empirical findings2009/05/01English466
State-of-the-art technologies, measures, and potential for reducing GHG emissions from shipping – A review2017/05/01English445
Intent to purchase a plug-in electric vehicle: A survey of early impressions in large US cites2013/01/01English405
The effectiveness and costs of speed reductions on emissions from international shipping2009/12/01English389
Incentives for promoting Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) adoption in Norway2016/03/01English364
A review of consumer preferences of and interactions with electric vehicle charging infrastructure2018/07/01English357
On the stability of preferences and attitudes before and after experiencing an electric vehicle2013/12/01English351
Energy and emissions impacts of a freeway-based dynamic eco-driving system2009/08/01English350
Consumer preferences for alternative fuel vehicles: A discrete choice analysis2013/12/01English316
Cycling and the built environment, a US perspective2005/05/01English315
Bike share’s impact on car use: Evidence from the United States, Great Britain, and Australia2014/08/01English306
Effectiveness of incentives on electric vehicle adoption in Norway2016/07/01English304
The relationship between non-motorized mode choice and the local physical environment2004/03/01English301
Household demand and willingness to pay for clean vehicles2007/06/01English287
The role of attitudes toward characteristics of bicycle commuting on the choice to cycle to work over various distances2011/03/01English285
Electricity carbon intensity in European Member States: Impacts on GHG emissions of electric vehicles2018/10/01English280
Electric vehicles’ energy consumption measurement and estimation2015/01/01English275
Green supply chain network design to reduce carbon emissions2012/07/01English270
A comparative analysis of several vehicle emission models for road freight transportation2011/07/01English263
Modelling the full costs of an intermodal and road freight transport network2007/01/01English260
The impact of flooding on road transport: A depth-disruption function2017/08/01English256
Symbolism in California’s early market for hybrid electric vehicles2007/08/01English252
The 3Ds+R: Quantifying land use and urban form correlates of walking2006/05/01English249
Is slow steaming a sustainable means of reducing CO2 emissions from container shipping?2011/05/01English243
Responses to battery electric vehicles: UK consumer attitudes and attributions of symbolic meaning following direct experience to reduce psychological distance2011/10/01English239
Satisfaction with the commute: The role of travel mode choice, built environment and attitudes2017/05/01English232
Consumer purchase intentions for electric vehicles: Is green more important than price and range?2017/03/01English231
The bicycle as a feedering mode: experiences from three European countries2004/07/01English222