Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Validating walkability indices: How do different households respond to the walkability of their neighborhood?2011/06/01English222
Impacts of flooding and climate change on urban transportation: A systemwide performance assessment of the Boston Metro Area2005/05/01English205
Delivery by drone: An evaluation of unmanned aerial vehicle technology in reducing CO 2 emissions in the delivery service industry2018/06/01English199
Using on-board logging devices to study the longer-term impact of an eco-driving course2009/10/01English194
Environmental sustainability in the service industry of transportation and logistics service providers: Systematic literature review and research directions2017/06/01English191
Reverse and closed loop supply chain coordination by considering government role2017/05/01English191
Development of the World-wide harmonized Light duty Test Cycle (WLTC) and a possible pathway for its introduction in the European legislation2015/10/01English190
Understanding the impact of e-commerce on last-mile light goods vehicle activity in urban areas: The case of London2018/06/01English188
Simulation–optimization model for location of a public electric vehicle charging infrastructure2013/07/01English185
Influences of the driver’s bounded rationality on micro driving behavior, fuel consumption and emissions2015/12/01English184
Virginia Tech Comprehensive Power-Based Fuel Consumption Model: Model development and testing2011/10/01English184
Integrating e-scooters in urban transportation: Problems, policies, and the prospect of system change2020/02/01English183
The effects of route choice decisions on vehicle energy consumption and emissions2008/05/01English182
Fast charging infrastructure for electric vehicles: Today’s situation and future needs2018/07/01English181
Balancing the economic and environmental performance of maritime transportation2010/12/01English176
Siting public electric vehicle charging stations in Beijing using big-data informed travel patterns of the taxi fleet2014/12/01English174
Internalizing emission externality on road networks2006/07/01English174
Optimal locations of electric public charging stations using real world vehicle travel patterns2015/12/01English172
Location selection of city logistics centers under sustainability2015/05/01English171
What if you live in the wrong neighborhood? The impact of residential neighborhood type dissonance on distance traveled2005/03/01English169
A review of vehicle fuel consumption models to evaluate eco-driving and eco-routing2016/12/01English168
Comparative environmental impacts of electric bikes in China2009/07/01English168
Built environmental impacts on commuting mode choice and distance: Evidence from Shanghai2017/05/01English166
Impact of driving style and road grade on gaseous exhaust emissions of passenger vehicles measured by a Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS)2017/05/01English165
The costs and benefits of sulphur reduction measures: Sulphur scrubbers versus marine gas oil2014/05/01English165
The built environment, walking, and physical activity: Is the environment more important to some people than others?2009/01/01English164
Who will buy electric cars? An empirical study in Germany2011/05/01English164
Compliance possibilities for the future ECA regulations through the use of abatement technologies or change of fuels2014/05/01English164
Severity of injury resulting from pedestrian–vehicle crashes: What can we learn from examining the built environment?2009/08/01English162
Global impacts of recent IMO regulations on marine fuel oil refining processes and ship emissions2019/05/01English161