Studies in Generative Grammar

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A Phrasal Analysis of Korean Comparatives2010/05/01English3
Korean First Phase Syntax as Non-Voice-bundling2014/02/01English3
Bare Fragment Answers as Elliptical Pseudoclefts2014/05/01English3
Replies to Chung (2012): On Pre- vs. Post-verbal Asymmetries in Korean2013/05/01English3
Bound Noun swu in Korean2014/05/01English3
On the Nature of Edge Feature Movement2007/11/01English3
The Architecture of Right Dislocation Constructions2010/08/01English3
NP-ellipsis Revisited: The Role of D-feature2012/11/01English3
Left Node Raising as a Shared Node Raising2010/02/01English3
"~lul/ul swu(ka) issta": Nominative Complex Noun Phrases with a Relative Clause in Korean2015/02/01English3
VP Periphery in Passive Constructions: -eykey Passives vs. -ey uyhay Passives in Korean2018/05/01English2
Passive and Causative Constructions in Korean: Lexical Derivation2018/02/01English2
Why-Stripping in English and Korean: A Direct Interpretation Approach2017/11/01English2
Some Arguments for the In-Situ Remnants2017/08/01English2
Bound Noun tongan in Korean2017/05/01English2
Labelability and Interpretability2017/05/01English2
The Availability of Island Evasion Strategies in Fragments2016/08/01English2
The Unembeddable Allocutive Marker –Yo in Korean and the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface2016/11/01English2
Two Issues in Korean Negative Imperatives2015/05/01English2
Classification of English Verb Aspects: Employing Phase Shift2015/02/01English2
Agreement of a Point-of-Viewer and a Jussive Subject2015/02/01English2
The Distribution the Korean Genitive Case Marker '-uy' and the Nature of Genitive Case2015/02/01English2
A Base-generation Analysis of the Focused Phrase in the "kes" Cleft Construction2015/02/01English2
The Syntax of Clausal and Verbal Pro-form/Ellipsis in Korean: Focusing on mit- 'believe' and sayngkakha- 'think' Verbs2013/05/01English2
Island Sensitivity in Ellipsis and Its Implications for Movement2009/11/01English2
Criterial Effects and Multiple Nominative Constructions2008/08/01English2
Noun Incorporation and the Lexicalist Hypothesis2012/05/01English2
Left Branch Extraction in Korean2013/08/01English2
On the Syntactic Grounding of the Prosodic Interpretation of Wh-questions2014/02/01English2
RNR in Korean as Right-Edge Coordination2007/02/01English2