Studies in Generative Grammar

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Two Types of Negation in Let Imperatives2014/08/01English
한국어의 사건 관계절과 상태 관계절의 어순, 그리고 특정성 조건2012/05/01English
On the Passive-Causative Ambiguity2008/11/01English
V-C Dependency, Phase Extension, and Raising to Object2009/08/01English
A New Look at the Object (A)symmetry in Bantu Locative Applicatives2013/11/01English
Remarks on the Midway Conjunction Analysis of RNR Constructions2011/05/01English
On the Notion of Feature Inheritance2011/02/01English
Feature-based Honorifics and Politeness in English and Korean at a Syntax-Pragmatics Interface2013/05/01English
Property of the Jussive Head in Korean Jussives2012/05/01English
Do-Support and Verb Raising in Emphatic Sentences2010/02/01English
Resurrecting Sluicing from Clefting2012/05/01English
Wh-island Effects of Wh-in-situ in Two Types of Wh-in-situ Languages - A Processing Account2013/11/01English
Scope Interaction in English Small Clauses: Semantic Properties of Predicates, Restructuring, and Phases2010/02/01English
An ERP Study on Internalizing English Parsing Strategies of EFL Learners through Incorporating Play Cards2014/08/01English
Are Quantifying Expressions Interpreted Incrementally?2014/05/01English
On the Relationship between Linear Proximity and Subject Verb Agreement Mismatch in Korean L2 Learners of English: An ERP Study2012/08/01English
The Syntactic Licensing of VP Ellipsis in English2011/02/01English
A Review of the Anti-Locality of Movement Dependencies2012/02/01English
“행위성 명사+이다” 구문에 대한 반 분산형태론적 분석2012/08/01English
On Expletive It: A Minimalist Account2013/05/01English
A Finer-grained Semantic Approach to Events: How to Rescue Pesetsky's (1982) Semantic Selection2012/05/01English
The EPP as a Non-featural Requirement on Derivation2007/11/01English
A Movement Analysis of Control Construction in Korean2011/11/01English
Two Types of So-called Appositional Constructions in Korean2014/02/01English
Some Notes on External Remerge2011/08/01English
The Role of Copulas in Theta-Role Assignment2013/11/01English
한국어의 격표지 실현과 이탈어 구문2008/08/01English
On the Syntax and Semantics of Korean Classifier Constructions2010/05/01English
Some Issues in English Wh-Questions: A Constraint-Based Perspective2009/02/01English
Studies on the Spanish demonstratives adjectives in the restrictive relative clauses2016/08/01English