Comptes Rendus. Mathématique

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A level-set formulation of immersed boundary methods for fluid–structure interaction problems2004/03/17English32
p-adic repellers in Qp are subshifts of finite type2007/01/24English32
On a p-Kirchhoff problem involving a critical nonlinearity2014/02/21English32
Band structure of the Ruelle spectrum of contact Anosov flows2013/05/01English32
A divergence-free velocity reconstruction for incompressible flows2012/09/01English32
Reflection coupling and Wasserstein contractivity without convexity2011/10/01English32
Faber polynomial coefficient estimates for analytic bi-close-to-convex functions2013/11/21English31
Brownian motion with respect to a metric depending on time; definition, existence and applications to Ricci flow2008/06/20English31
Exact controllability of a cascade system of conservative equations2011/02/05English31
Kato's inequality when Δu is a measure2004/03/25English31
On the orbital Hausdorff dependence of differential equations with non-instantaneous impulses2018/01/17English31
Faber polynomial coefficients of bi-subordinate functions2016/03/03English31
Faber polynomial coefficient estimates for a comprehensive subclass of analytic bi-univalent functions2014/05/13English30
A limitation of the hydrostatic reconstruction technique for Shallow Water equations2012/07/01English30
The weighted log canonical threshold2014/03/12English30
Gradient flows and diffusion semigroups in metric spaces under lower curvature bounds2007/07/27English30
Flux reconstruction and a posteriori error estimation for discontinuous Galerkin methods on general nonmatching grids2009/03/04English30
Topology and geometry optimization of elastic structures by exact deformation of simplicial mesh2011/09/01English30
Averaged control and observation of parameter-depending wave equations2014/05/06English29
Second Hankel determinant for close-to-convex functions2017/10/01English29
Global regularity of two-dimensional flocking hydrodynamics2017/06/16English29
Global solutions for the gravity water waves equation in dimension 32009/06/21English29
Sur la complexité des nombres algébriques2004/05/25English28
Norms of random submatrices and sparse approximation2008/11/08English28
Jacquet modules of ladder representations2012/10/27English28
Stabilized explicit coupling for fluid–structure interaction using Nitsche's method2007/10/10English28
A projection algorithm for fluid–structure interaction problems with strong added-mass effect2006/01/18English28
Relative entropy and Tsallis entropy of two accretive operators2017/05/31English28
A weighted identity for partial differential operators of second order and its applications2006/03/20English28
The essential spectrum of the volume integral operator in electromagnetic scattering by a homogeneous body2012/02/01English27