Comptes Rendus. Mathématique

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Schéma volumes finis pour des opérateurs de diffusion fortement anisotropes sur des maillages non structurés2005/06/15English40
Can a traveling wave connect two unstable states? The case of the nonlocal Fisher equation2011/04/01English39
The Ehrhard inequality2003/11/05English39
The lattice-theoretic structure of sets of bivariate copulas and quasi-copulas2005/10/11English38
Optimal constant problem in theL2extension theorem2012/08/01English38
Stable anti-Yetter–Drinfeld modules2004/03/25English37
Faber polynomial coefficient bounds for a subclass of bi-univalent functions2015/10/31English36
Parallelization in time through tensor-product space–time solvers2007/12/03English36
A mathematical framework for a crowd motion model2008/11/14English36
Asymptotic aspects of Schreier graphs and Hanoi Towers groups2006/03/23English36
A functional extension of the Ito formula2009/12/30English36
General entropy equations for structured population models and scattering2004/04/08English36
On a class of singular Gierer–Meinhardt systems arising in morphogenesis2007/01/16English36
Hypercyclicité : le rôle du spectre ponctuel unimodulaire2004/04/08English35
Barenblatt profiles for a nonlocal porous medium equation2011/06/01English35
Sensibilité de l'équation de la chaleur aux sauts de conductivité2005/08/26English35
Shape optimization of a layer by layer mechanical constraint for additive manufacturing2017/05/02English35
A new error bound for reduced basis approximation of parabolic partial differential equations2012/02/01English34
Lower bounds for the scalar curvatures of noncompact gradient Ricci solitons2011/11/16English34
A Note on the Cauchy problem for the 2D generalized Zakharov–Kuznetsov equations2012/05/01English34
New estimates for the Laplacian, the div–curl, and related Hodge systems2004/03/16English34
Hardy–Poincaré inequalities and applications to nonlinear diffusions2007/03/30English34
A canonical extension of Kornʼs first inequality to H(Curl) motivated by gradient plasticity with plastic spin2011/11/23English33
Homogenization of the 3D Maxwell system near resonances and artificial magnetism2009/03/24English33
Sharp inequalities related to Gosper's formula2010/02/01English33
The Ghirlanda–Guerra identities for mixed p-spin model2010/02/01English33
Wiener's lemma for infinite matrices with polynomial off-diagonal decay2005/04/07English33
Jensen's inequality for g-expectation: part 12003/11/07English33
A new characterization of Sobolev spaces2006/07/03English32
Extremal singular solutions for degenerate logistic-type equations in anisotropic media2004/07/15English32